whitewater source and VAT (vertex animation texture)

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I am new to Houdini, so I don’t know many things yet.
How to properly export whitewhater using vat sprite?
I constantly have a texture of a few kilobytes. (I used sideFX labs productionbuild and latest build)
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Can you provide more information? What problems are you having? What have you tried so far? Also, what is the final result you're going for?
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Joined: Aug. 2015
Can you provide more information? What problems are you having? What have you tried so far? Also, what is the final result you're going for?
I did the same scene as in the video https://vimeo.com/261901539 [vimeo.com]
I want to export whitewater particles to Unity engine using VAT.
In the video above whitewater is just surface and it not realistic.

I tried to render VAT using “whitewater source” node but it does not work. Final texture just empty.
What is correct way to render this node?
VAT sprite required particles or primitives. I tried to using “copy to points” with “sphere” input, but it does not work with “whitewater source”.
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It's unlikely you will get a better looking result with particles from the whitewater sim because you would need so many of them that the VAT technique isn't feasible. Also, you still need a way to render them in the game engine to look like foam.

That being said, the thing you need to export to a VAT, if you want to use sprites, is the particles from the whitewater_import. The whitewater source generates a volume that is then used to generate the particles.

If the whitewater is going to be used in a game, I'd suggest using Matt's technique in that video. It's a good balance of quality vs. performance for realtime.
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