ACES export problem

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If you have Aces 1.03 and you are in the "render view" and the image looks correct. Then you move to Mplay or Render to Disk the image become un usable. Why would this happen. I have been turning settings on and off post effects on/off and even though i have no post effect checked it is still applying "something". But even so when you go to export even those effects are not applied.

Some thing is clearly wrong and not letting aces to be applied on export to a .jpg or .png files. You can see in the images. [] []
Edited by Strosek - Sept. 5, 2021 12:43:42
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Aces in render view is just a viewer color transform. So you will have to convert the rendered image from aces to srgb to be able to view it as it was intended.

What i have done before is import the rendered exr into cops, then use a ocio color trnsform node, from aces to srgb. That will bake the aces color transform into the image.
Edited by willh - Sept. 7, 2021 03:40:07
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Or, if you use Nuke or AE, you need to make sure you work in ACES there too.
In some render engines, there is also an option to apply post-render LUT/filter to the picture.
Edited by Ivan L - Sept. 11, 2021 00:48:20
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