Custom Sopmodify, using obj/geo instead of inner Subnet

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I don't work in any pipeline, I do motion graphics, and I like many aspects of Solaris

I have a plan to create custom Sopmodify HDA, which will dive into "its" obj/geo.

My plan is to:
- import USD assets made in other software, into Solaris
- modify and animate those imported assets in /obj/geo (instead of the inner subnet)
- create another effects in another obj/geo nodes (and sopimport them into Solaris)
- preview all the objects and animations in the /obj context
- do the lighting and rendering in Solaris

Please, is there any technical problem about it?
I realize this is not how USD and Solaris was meant to be used.
But for my "one man, mainly SOPs and DOPs and fast viewport preview of animations", this feels like a way to go.
Edited by ikoon - Oct. 14, 2022 13:25:38

sopmodify.png (35.4 KB)

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`I realize this is not how USD and Solaris was meant to be used.` - Not sure why you would think this. You're just rearranging where various nodes live. LOP Import SOPs and SOP Import LOPs don't care where the source LOP/SOP live. You can easily keep all of your SOPs in /obj and your LOPs in /stage. Or maybe you'd prefer to put your LOPs in /obj/lopnet1... There's really nothing special about /stage, it's just a convenient default.

So yes, everything you're suggesting should work just fine.
Edited by mtucker - Oct. 14, 2022 15:30:12
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Thank you very much for your answer! My mistake, I have insufficient understanding of USD and Solaris.

I was worried about some obvious (not so obvious to my limited knowledge) "cooking issue" or creating circular dependencies, when previewing many GEOs in /obj (with all the extracted sopnets) and trying to render all of them in /stage at the same time.

obj stage.png (30.9 KB)

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