HQueue: Submit job from local folder (not from network)

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Please, can we work directly in the H:\folder\ and have the submitter submit the // path?

The submitter seems to do some automatic "replacement" between these locations:

- file locations, if being placed in the Mount location H: (or //
- environment variable HQROOT

Can it convert on the server (or the client) from H: into // ?

I am on Windows 11.
Edited by ikoon - June 14, 2023 19:06:38
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If I understand it right, there is a way to submit from a local folder (without UNC)

- set the Network Folder Variable Name HQROOT to Windows Mount H:
- save the file in the H:\folder\file.hiplc
- submit the job
- on the server, H: is replaced with $HQROOT
- on the client, have the $HQROOT set in the houdini.env like this:
- so... on the client, HQROOT points at the network drive

Everything seems to work, is it common to have such overrides?
Local access to a drive (without UNC, when developing the file) can be much faster.
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I have also noticed in the documentation, that the proper place to set the HQROOT override is not in houdini.env, but here:

C:\HQueueClient\hqnode.ini (under the job_environment section)

https://www.sidefx.com/docs/houdini/hqueue/configuration.html#client_config_options [www.sidefx.com]
Edited by ikoon - June 14, 2023 18:36:04
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