Smashing columns

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Hey guys,

I was following the quick start tutorial and I've followed the column one step by step and I'm stuck at a certain point. When I add the “Make Breakable” modifier to the circle of columns and simulate it, all the columns start smashing and at the base instead of the impact point of the ball. It seems to me that they may be “falling” on to the ground plane, but I'm not exactly sure. I'm using Houdini 12 btw and I've attached a screenshot. Any help would be appreciated.

Columns.png (213.2 KB)

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posting you hip file would be better…nothing much to see in that pic
Michael Goldfarb |
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Oh, sorry. I'm still really new to Houdini. Is this the file you're talking about?

Column.hipnc (333.2 KB)

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Read the notes and look at the green nodes

column_763_fixed_rse.hipnc (337.1 KB)

Gone fishing
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Thanks. That seems to work, somewhat, but it's still not getting the same effect as the tutorial video. I see what you did, though and it makes sense, but it still doesn't seem to fracture the column when the ball hits, only when the columns hit each other. But, I figured out how to make it work. I had to put the sphere name in the Impact group box and that worked perfectly. I guess that's the difference between Houdini 11 and 12? lol But why is it in the tutorial he doesn't change any of the parameters and it works just fine? If I add the sphere into the impact group, it's also smashing the columns before the sphere actually hits them.

EDIT: Figured out what the major issue was. I didn't even have to change the Impact Group. In the rigidbodysolver1 node, the solver engine was set to Bullet…I changed it to RBD and it worked exactly as planned. So, Bullet was the problem.
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Solver Engine pull down menu set to RBD.Cool.
That should be mentioned on the Tut somehow, or pdf docs.
I was stuck in similar problem ops:
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