surface model.
2.A: VEX context should have the option to give a (flexible) preview above each node.
you still think like other packages where you build a shader for each object or material. in Houdini you build one as a digital asset and reuse it several times.
3. Furthermore there should be a better library of better premade materials.
is true could be more, there are just a couple of them, but that's enoght to get the idea on how to get going, don't forget that the guys in shading developing they are masterminds and all ready know all the stuff about raytracing, bounce etc… some prefer to just code it, other to connect the nodes etc…
4. There should be standard Materials that immitate modern gaming engine standards.
games use regular shaders with normal maps, nothing stops you to display it like that using OGL.
5. Takes, bundles, flipbook, visibility nodes, layers?
everything has it own porpoise, takes, and bundles are not the same, visibility nodes are not the same, layers are not the same, there for you cant do one to rule them all. they can use themselves between eachother.
takes can work with bundles, and nodes, layers are takes in Houdini speaking etc…
5.B. Implement preview-options into the menus so we get a rough idea of what we work on.
what menus? what option? can you do a sketch with picture to illustrate the idea?
5.C Baking anything (to textures) is entirely unnecessarily complicated. Micromesh rendering can be used to render to textures - How? Why? Why do I need to have a specifically named camera in the scene when I don't even use it? - Why can I not have a menu to select, what to geometry to bake from, which geometry to bake to, and what and how to bake? Standard maps should include Diffuse, Specular, Normal, Height, Ambient Occlusion, Cavity, etc. and an option to bake custom designed properties baked in a custom designed way. There should also be an option to use a standard cage or a custom mesh. And of course, It should be possible to bake animations.
you can bake via mantra and use the image plane to take all the passes you need.
I hope this thread will result in some lively discussion of my ideas.
for this to happen you need to illustrate. don't forget you are writing and you have it In your mind, we cant read mind (yet
might be that some of that is already implemented (not exactly as you want but is there)