How to see attributes in geo in Solaris (rest)

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I am creating a rest attribute on a usd mesh using a SOP modify to make textures stick and for rendering Pref AOV's (the bind pose/T pose of the character is at frames -10 which is why the SOP modify uses that frame). If I dive inside the SOP modify the geometry spreadsheet does not show any data but I can see the rest attribute has been created by looking at the node info within the SOP modify. So I thought the rest attribute may be visible within the Solaris scene graph details, but I cannot see it. Does anyone know where I should be looking to see rest attribute when I am back in the LOPs context?

The entire reason I want to see where the attribute geos is I want to make an HDA within Maya to export animated caches as USD with the rest attribute embedded into it. So I need to check where the rest attribute is going.

Best Mark (H 18.5.532)

link to file []
Edited by Mark Wallman - 2021年5月1日 10:20:16

Capture.JPG (268.0 KB)

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Hi Mark,

You can see in your earlier screenshot that the cache2 node isn't specifying any output prims, so the prim pattern you're using in sopmodify_add_rest (`lopparentprims(lopinputprims('.', 0))`) isn't matching anything.

If you either explicitly specify the path(s) on the sopmodify_add_rest node or disable-and-reenable the cache2 node (which then sets output prims - as you can see in the screenshot I'm attaching), you should see the primvar.

I'm going to investigate why the Cache LOP is behaving this way. I *expect* the resolution will be that the Cache LOP will be changed to *never* set output prims.

- Rob
Edited by robp_sidefx - 2021年5月1日 13:20:51

rest.png (183.9 KB)

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Mark Wallman
The entire reason I want to see where the attribute geos is I want to make an HDA within Maya to export animated caches as USD with the rest attribute embedded into it. So I need to check where the rest attribute is going.

I think you might be able to do that with Multiverse for Maya.
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Hi Rob. Thanks. I'm using a third party renderer which is more reliable with motion blur with a cache lop. I may be able to not use the cache lop in future. Would switching the order of the sop modify and cache lop help? Best
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Hi jsmack. I did think of multiverse but unfortunately we are going with maya usd 0.9.0 best
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Mark Wallman
Would switching the order of the sop modify and cache lop help?

If you want to continue using "lopinputprims" as part of your prim pattern (rather than explicitly specifying paths), then yes.
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