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Technical Discussion » License server environment variable
- Erik_JE
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Bump a bunch of years later. Is there really no easy way of switching license server before launch? We have different license servers for farm jobs and artists working and it's hard to make it switch correctly
Houdini Lounge » Mix Houdini in Linux and Windows 8 with DFS
- Erik_JE
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Korhon []
Everything works fine now, but slashes are different in linux and windows.
In windows we cant use windows uncpaths in houdini, and in linux we cant use windows uncpaths. If we copy paste a link from explorer it wont work because of the slashes doesnt match.
Not impressed with linux/windows compability
So anyone managed to solve this issue?
Make sure to use forward slashes in both windows and linux.
It should work then.
$BLA = //server/some/path
$BLA = /some/other/path
in houdini:
Technical Discussion » FLIP farm distribution broken?
- Erik_JE
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Ram is not the issue but the speed of iterations.
I have 64 gb ram on my machine, scene for RnD testing uses like 24 GB, but If I can slice it up I can push it a lot further.
I have one specific shot with a ship sailing in water with a single cam for 1200 frames, so i figured It might helped quiet a lot to divide the tank in slices.
Also I feel like i need to mentioned I only moved to houdini like 4 months ago from Maya, so I am no Houdini wiz.
The thing as Solitude said is that slicing it will probably not make it that much faster as there will be so much overhead having to be sent between the machines to get a correct simulation and network speed is so terribly much slower than ram speed.
Houdini Indie and Apprentice » Echo commands(like maya script editor)
- Erik_JE
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You should read the documentation.
import random
sphereTY = random.random()
print sphereTY
import random
sphereTY = random.random()
print sphereTY
Houdini Indie and Apprentice » Selling video tutorial using apprentice HD
- Erik_JE
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I would say that means no.
I would say that means no.
Technical Discussion » delayed load geometry offset sequences
- Erik_JE
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Let me try to be a bit clearer, i will try to drop a hip file if i can cut it down for portability.
Using the instance points and doing a $OFFSET is fine.
Should work good for most things.
My question (and the solution i now have) is faaar faster - by using the delay load procedural CVEX shader for geometry.
i can now adjust the scale of each instanced volume (bgeo) at every point, as well as supply a unique frame offset to every point instanced volume.
Renders as fast as rendering one volume (and I now have a hundred voumes in the scene, all offset and uniquely scaled). Works like a dream.
The main issue is with the fact i cannot make the load delay procedural shader ‘procedural’.
If you need more clarification i can email you a hip.
circusmonkey and laiwayne ain't talking about the regular Point Instancing. They are talking about the new Point Instance Procedural added in H12 that uses delayed load. []
Here is a thread with some more examples and discussions: []
Technical Discussion » Help with displacement shader
- Erik_JE
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Yes it is the only way and you should either use a Rest node in both SOP and SHOP or just a Transform node in SHOP depending on the situation. [] []
One of these should contain how to do it but don't have the possibility to check it atm. [] []
One of these should contain how to do it but don't have the possibility to check it atm.
Technical Discussion » Help with displacement shader
- Erik_JE
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You are probably animating your camera or the object.
Make sure you do the displacement in object space.
Make sure you do the displacement in object space.
Houdini Lounge » Houdini 13 Wishlist.
- Erik_JE
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Just wanted to get on the bandwagon for PySide dockable panels. It would do wonders for UI development.
Technical Discussion » How to axhieve this kind of effect?
- Erik_JE
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Have not played much with Cloth in H12 but this should probably give you some hints even if it is based on H11.
And the masterclass for H12 Cloth should give you some more hints: []
Have not played much with Cloth in H12 but this should probably give you some hints even if it is based on H11.
And the masterclass for H12 Cloth should give you some more hints: []
Houdini Indie and Apprentice » VEX? Python? HScript?... What's what?
- Erik_JE
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VEX: Shader code, per point based operations.
VOPs: Gets turned into VEX by Houdini.
Python and HScript are different script languages to do the same thing. I recommend going with Python but once in a while you might run into some task that needs hscript.
VOPs: Gets turned into VEX by Houdini.
Python and HScript are different script languages to do the same thing. I recommend going with Python but once in a while you might run into some task that needs hscript.
Houdini Lounge » Feature request for the forum
- Erik_JE
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When sent a notification of new replies to a thread. Would it be possible to include the actual reply instead of the long text how to get to the thread and how to stop watching.
I think most people here know how to do that stuff anyways and why they are receiving the mail.
Just the reply and a link to the thread should be enough.
I think most people here know how to do that stuff anyways and why they are receiving the mail.
Just the reply and a link to the thread should be enough.
Technical Discussion » True Displacement parameter?
- Erik_JE
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Technical Discussion » Moved geometry file locations: How to redirect path ?
- Erik_JE
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Technical Discussion » High-frequency details: Bump or displacement mapping?
- Erik_JE
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Lower your Tile Size. Try 8 instead of 32.
EDIT: For this case I would have used bumpmaps as well tho cause I doubt you will notice the true displacements.
EDIT: For this case I would have used bumpmaps as well tho cause I doubt you will notice the true displacements.
Technical Discussion » Rest Position in Marble shader - H12
- Erik_JE
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Houdini Indie and Apprentice » Mantra Delayed Load Changing pscale
- Erik_JE
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Yeah, it is not what you are looking for. There is no good method at the moment for doing what you wan't afaik.
Houdini Indie and Apprentice » Mantra Delayed Load Changing pscale
- Erik_JE
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You would need to use the new Point Instance Procedural to change pscale. [] []
Houdini Indie and Apprentice » Toon shader in Houdini?
- Erik_JE
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Not built in but it is easy to make one using a Ramp parameter multiplied with the density.
Work in Progress » houidini 3ds max pipeline
- Erik_JE
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