Extrude surface divisions

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Hi I have totally newbie question, sorry for that but I just can not find answer for this … Search is not helping me at all.

I want to extrude text (curve), and I am using Extrude surface node. In help it is being mentioned that I can adjust divisions, but I can not find that attribute in my surface node ….
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There are two SOPs that do native extrusions. The Poly Extrude SOP and the Extrude SOP. You may be getting the two confused.

The Poly Extrude SOP is meant for modeling operations where you select faces and you want to either extrude faces outwards or to create shell offsets of the selection amongst other modeling operations. This does indeed support edge divisions. I don't use this SOP to extrude Fonts or shapes for Motion Graphics work. Use the Extrude SOP.

The Extrude SOP is primarily designed to extrude Fonts and other shapes to build the iconic block fonts that are the hallmark of Motion Graphics. I'd put bets on this being the second or third SOP ever written, right after the Font SOP and Grid SOP or Point SOP. This SOP does not support divisions on the sides.
You can provide a backbone to be used as the extrusion profile in to the second input of the Extrude SOP. This could be a subdivided line and that will give you your side divisions.

See the attached example file.

Extrude_with_edge_divisions.hip (42.7 KB)

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379 posts
Joined: 12月 2006
Tnx! That was exactly what I needed. It would never cross my mind to do that!

Thank you once more.
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