is there way i can Ctrl + C then Ctrl V copy faces

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is there way i can Ctrl + C then Ctrl V copy faces (primitives Houdini calls them) from select faces pasted them into group node eg (pattern)

I am having hard time selects and then uses faces i want, because all depends node pull of shelf or your in main window or object windows

or is there way set up and Hot key so will make a group node with selected faces ? ( or mouse right mouse right click menu ) both would be great
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Just make your selection and then click on the Group tool under the Model tab along the top of the interface. This will create a group node and populate the pattern field with your selection.

If you really need a copy of the original or new group you can split the network as you see fit.
Using Houdini Indie 20.0
Windows 11 64GB Ryzen 16 core.
nVidia 3050RTX 8BG RAM.
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I'm sure something like this was possible but I can't find it now…
RFE #72209
allow copy/paste of selection string….
Michael Goldfarb |
Training Lead
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Joined: 10月 2015
thank you both but after reading Enivob did bit more searching you gave me the idea see if there hot key for shelf item so searching the forum i found this work perfect

what Doudini said here see URL

but instead of “materials”

i just add “group” made hot key (you do need make a new custom shelf add the item you want to add keyboard short cut ) []
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