Deadline, $HFS not correctly passed down ?

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Hey people,

We're using deadline as our scheduler here, and we've run into a tiny situation : deadline can't resolve $HFS and launch the CommandLine plugin correctly.

Executable returned from RenderExecutable(), “$HFS/bin/hython.exe”, is not rooted, and does not exist in the current directory or in the PATH.

We know that by mapping $HFS directly in Deadline we could make it work. However, since we often work with two if not three houdini versions at the same time, mostly for compatibility reasons ( plugins, project started with version x, etc ), we'd rather avoid having $HFS pointing to one specific installation.
So we thought using the Plugin Key-Value Pairs and setting HFS here would pass the HFS variable to deadline but it doesn't work either.

Are we stuck with editing deadline path mapping to make it work ?

Oh, we are under Windows. edit : and Deadline 8, too. And Houdini 17.5.207. And I've seen the other post but it didn't seem enough, or the fella didn't have an issue passing variables from PDG to Deadline…
Edited by Wolrajh - 2019年3月26日 12:29:07
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I'll be adding a HFS parm field to Deadline scheduler node allowing to override the default $HFS value to something else, which can either be a direct path or another key mapping that you can apply in the Deadline configuration.

Therefore, an example of using another key mapping:
On Deadline scheduler node: Change parm HFS = __HOUDINI175__
In Deadline repository, add mapping: __HOUDINI175__ = win/mac/linux paths

Similarly, I'll add one for PYTHON as well (so instead of $HFS/pyhton27/python, you can have another path or mapping).

Will update this thread when those are in.
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Houdini 17.5.216 has the changes to specify HFS paths. Please see []
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Wonderful, thanks. We'll test as soon as possible !
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