"Ghosted" transparency level

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Where can I modify transparency level of objects/geometry affected by ghosted flag from Display Options->Markers->Draw?

I've searched the preferences and display options left and right, but didn't find a slider or numerical input that would allow me to change it. There are a couple of lines in color theme files that contain "ghost" string, but changing these values doesn't seem to have any impact on transparency:
# $HOUDINI_USER_PREF_DIR/config/3DSceneColors.dark
ObjectGhostColor: 0.30 0.30 0.30 # color blended into object when ghosted
ObjectGhostAlpha: ALPHA 0.75 # alpha for color/ghost mixing
Edited by ajz3d - 2022年6月27日 16:43:11

ghosted.png (9.2 KB)

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Bump !

Anyone ?

Drives me nuts, is there a way to only show the points of the object you're currently working on or control the opacity of ghosted objects?

Houdini either creates a mist of blue dots in the scene when in point mode, or all background objects are transparent.

It seems there's no way to show only the points of the active object, or control the opacity of the background objects when Ghosting is active.

Same for the wire on "smooth wire shaded" btw...
Edited by toonafish - 2023年6月23日 12:16:28
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I would also like to have the option to control the strength of the ghost transparency.

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