Instances doesn't get expected color

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Hello everyone,
I'm following Robert Magee beginners tutorial "Nodes, Networks & Digital Assets" and I have an issue.

In the "Copy to Points" node, if I check "Pack and instance", my instances turn grey. But if I put the display flag on the "Switch node" (placed right before) where there are the points, I can see that those points have the color I'm expecting. It seems like the color attribute is "lost" after this "Copy to Points" node...

How can I check "Pack and instance" and still have the color?

I hope it makes sense... sorry I'm a total beginner with Houdini.

Thanks for your help!

Version is 20.5
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The viewport can relay color information to you, however, it does not look inside packed primitives for that information. Once you pack them, they become a single point. It's like a ZIP file, you can't see what's inside at a glance. Try an upack node after the switch, and you'll discover your attributes are still there.
Edited by Enivob - 2024年8月27日 08:59:08
Using Houdini Indie 20.0
Windows 11 64GB Ryzen 16 core.
nVidia 3050RTX 8BG RAM.
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