Is it somehow possible now to export unreal skeletal meshes via rop_fbxcharacteroutput with LODs?
Without LODs this works just fine but the lod part... I ended up exporting couple files and importing but would be much nicer do go with just one file.
There is a thread describing it with path/name attribute from SOP level using rop_fbx that works for static meshes
just fine though the rop_fbx has this "build hierarchy from path atribute" option.
https://www.sidefx.com/forum/topic/59583/ [www.sidefx.com]
FBX character output for UE5 with LODs?
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- pablo_lukaszewicz
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- pablo_lukaszewicz
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Ok.... worth noting I'm working on 19.5 ... it is the same on 20 but on 20.5 there is an update to the documentation about the path atribute (https://www.sidefx.com/docs/houdini/nodes/sop/kinefx--rop_fbxcharacteroutput.html) and it actually works if present out of the box and Unreal imports it as lods
...so just go with "LODGroup/LOD0" "LODGroup/LOD1" in s@path on prim on first input of fbx character rop and ... you need to use 20.5
Edited by pablo_lukaszewicz - 2024年11月26日 12:47:38
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