Houdini のノードベースのワークフローを理解する優れた方法は、プロジェクト形式で探求し、プロシージャル的な考え方と作業方法を習得することが重要です。 このレッスンでは、自分の brickfy (ブリック化) ツールをプロシージャルノードとネットワークで作成し、その機能とインターフェイスを定義する方法を学習します。

その過程で、Houdini のワークスペースの様々な要素を使用いきます。 はじめに概要を参照して、これらの UI 要素がどのように連携するか復習してください。ここでのレッスンは、アイデアを実践する機会を提供しますが、これは学ぶための最良の方法の一つです。


3D 形状をおもちゃのレンガに変えるカスタムツールの作成


  • プラスチックで固定されるレンガのモデリング
  • デフォルト rubber toy 形状をポイントのグリッドに分解する方法
  • パックプリミティブとインスタンスによるインタラクティブ操作の高速化
  • テクスチャマップを使用しアトリビュート経由でレンガに色を付ける方法
  • ノードとネットワーク操作によるデータの流れのコントロール方法
  • ソリューションをパッケージ化し他のユーザと共有するデジタルアセットの作成方法
  • 時間経過によりレンガが現れるようにアニメーションする方法

Pipeline in a Box

以下の SIGGRAPH 2019 からの講演には、このレッスンの手順と、brickifyアセット を Autodesk Maya と Unreal Engine で使用したビデオが含まれています。このアセットを PDG で使用し、ブリック化を自動化してモデルのコレクション作成するセクションも追加されています。



Robert Magee is a Senior Product Marketing Manager at SideFX who has been working with Houdini for 20 years. He has created lots of learning material and demos designed to help artists understand how going procedural with Houdini can benefit their work.

More from Robert Magee


  • andrevalle 5 年, 6 ヶ月 前  | 

    Thanks Robert.

    I'm from Brazil, and I work with CG since 1987. I began with PictureMaker Cubicomp, after that I worked with 3D Studio since the first version.

    I bought a SGI running Alias/Wavefront, and then Maya, but I'm so glad to learn Houdini, because now I can make anything the right way.

    I always learned CG alone. No courses, no college. I'm a generalist, but I know that I need to specialise.

    I have a great Game Project, and I want to make all the assets in Houdini, and I will.

    I will buy an Indie subscription soon.

    I wish you and all the SideFx team an enlightened life.

    • rmagee 5 年, 6 ヶ月 前  | 

      Thank you and good luck.

  • Goldwaters 5 年, 6 ヶ月 前  | 

    Thanks Robert - your in-depth project tutorials with accompanying PDF handouts are invaluable

    • rmagee 5 年, 6 ヶ月 前  | 

      Thank you. I am glad that the lessons are helpful.

  • fiddybux3d 5 年, 6 ヶ月 前  | 

    Hi Robert,

    Thank you for this tutorial. It has been invaluable in getting me started.

    However, I came across a significant issue in Part 5 - Section 7. Working out the problem for myself has actually been of great value to my learning (which I was able to do by comparing the images), but it was very confusing, especially, if like me, readers take your words literally (word for word).

    You forgot to mention that the color1 node needs to be disconnected from the copytopoints1 node, and that the texture_switch node output needs wiring into the 2nd input of the copytopoints1 node. Once this is done, it works perfectly.

    I expect this is a very easy thing to overlook as you probably performed it 'automatically', but as a complete novice it compeltely caught me off guard.

    Just wanted to take the time to share this, so that others who may read my post can benefit from it.

    Many thanks!

  • NarimanSafarov 5 年, 4 ヶ月 前  | 

    a little slower narration and action would be great.

  • nique.devereaux 5 年, 4 ヶ月 前  | 

    Greetings Robert,

    Is it possible to use Houdini with Epic Games's free art assets? https://www.unrealengine.com/en-US/tech-blog/animation-blueprint-setup-walkthrough-stream-recap

    Which tutorial would I watch to see how?

    Thank you!

  • lightworkermusic 5 年, 3 ヶ月 前  | 

    lol I was stuck on part 5 section 5

    "Select the Texture node. Click on the Gear icon on
    the far right of the Texture Map parameter and from the
    menu, select Promote Parameter. This will add this parameter to
    the upper level of this node." ( Gear Icon changes to a sort of "Volume Knob" you would see on a sound mixer)

    "Click on the little KNOB that appears next to map. In the parameter
    pane, change the Label to Texture Map." (haha stuck 1 hour on this because I thought he meant the "Volume knob" that used to be a Gear icon, but no. It is the little tic tac shape knob that sticks out of the texture1 node next to map. In case anyone else was stuck there too.)

  • AliaK 3 年, 7 ヶ月 前  | 

    thank you, this was a great overview. am excited to see what I'll be able to create

  • ppx301292 3 年, 3 ヶ月 前  | 

    not a very good tutorial he goes on and does things without explaining or telling us which shortcuts he has used, he needs to go on a teachers course

    • rmagee 3 年, 3 ヶ月 前  | 

      Did you download the PDF document? It explains things more and should have all the mouse clicks and hotkeys represented. It has also been updated for Houdini 19 while the video is a few years old.

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