「なぜ PDG/TOPs を使わなければならないのか?」と自問していたとします。 まだ納得していないのであれば、この単純な単一 TOPノードによるセットアップがあなたを納得させるでしょう。 このチュートリアルでは、アニメーションメッシュの再メッシュ化を10倍高速化します。 はい、10倍です!



Still thinks “Space: 1999” is the coolest thing that ever happened on german TV. Be it pixels, hardware, code or cameras – if it’s interesting, Moritz is gonna take it apart. And sometimes even reassemble it. In his spare time he likes to dabble with code and create generative artwork. He claims his early exposure to QBasic is no help at all when working in Houdini, Cinema 4D, Processing or Arduino. But it might have been what started his fascination for the boundaries of code and art. When not wreaking havoc to any intriguing devices around him, he works as a freelance Art Director / Technical Director.

More from Moritz Schwind


  • bdav 5 年, 4 ヶ月 前  | 

    Really useful thanks !

  • Dav_Rod 5 年, 4 ヶ月 前  | 

    Thanks a lot for the tut!

    If the PDG is able to perfectly define 229 processes,
    I wonder if it would be possible to throw them to the graphics card instead of the processor.(?)

  • Petoncle56 5 年, 4 ヶ月 前  | 

    exactly what i need, thanks !

  • Dav_Rod 5 年, 4 ヶ月 前  | 

    Thanks a lot for that

    The remesh node is using one core as seen in the task manager. But just one or two nodes up, all cores are being already used as soon as you step one frame on the timeline.
    When watching the task manager with PDGs all cores are being used because it is running the full process at each frame. But that doesnt mean that now the remesh is performing faster.

    Am I wrong?

    I would like to know what is the speed increase, but my machine crashes with pdgs and still dont know why. Somebody can give some data about it? Maybe just a time comparison for the first 5 frames with and without PDGs?

    Thanks in advance.

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