シミュレーションの高速化には、CPU ファームが役に立ち、特に FLIP や、この場合のように、 粒子シミュレーションでは大きな高速化が得られます。このチュートリアルでは、TOPs を使用して基本的な粒子シミュレーションの分散処理を設定します。



Still thinks “Space: 1999” is the coolest thing that ever happened on german TV. Be it pixels, hardware, code or cameras – if it’s interesting, Moritz is gonna take it apart. And sometimes even reassemble it. In his spare time he likes to dabble with code and create generative artwork. He claims his early exposure to QBasic is no help at all when working in Houdini, Cinema 4D, Processing or Arduino. But it might have been what started his fascination for the boundaries of code and art. When not wreaking havoc to any intriguing devices around him, he works as a freelance Art Director / Technical Director.

More from Moritz Schwind


  • niczoom 5 年, 4 ヶ月 前  | 

    Great tutorial (as always) Moritz! Is grains multi-threaded? Would we see a benefit using TOPS/localscheduler as well?

    • Pixelkram 5 年, 4 ヶ月 前  | 


      as far as I know, grains indeed is already multithreaded. However I didn't try out running this particular setup locally as I assumed the speed gains not to be too massive, but I could definitely be wrong. So please try it out and share your results! Highly interested in what you find out!


  • fxmaximus 5 年, 2 ヶ月 前  | 

    Finally got to understand Tops for simulation...thanks moritz. Only issue I seem to have is my collisions don’t seem to work when using tops. But works fine in sop and dops ...any idea why?

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