SpaceGirl Rigging

Delano Athias shares an overview of some of the extremely intuitive rigging tools which make Houdini such a powerful tool in the animator's toolbox.

Delano Athias

17 Tutorials 2:45:48

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SpaceGirl Rigging | Seminar 1 | HDA
In this lesson you will learn how to set up a Houdini Digital Asset to host your character. This asset will contain your complete rig along with all the controls you need to animate.
SpaceGirl Rigging | Seminar 2 | Creating Bones
In this talk, you will learn how to create bones in Houdini to create SpaceGirl's leg.
SpaceGirl Rigging | Seminar 3 | Bone Divisions & Mirroring
In this lesson, you will add bone divisions and mirror the leg.
SpaceGirl Rigging | Seminar 4 | Spinal Bones
In this lesson, you will set up the spine bones to control the character's main body.
SpaceGirl Rigging | Seminar 5 | Rig Organization
In this lesson, you will learn how to organize the nodes in your rig to help set up for animation controls.
SpaceGirl Rigging | Seminar 6 | Capturing Geometry
In this lesson, you will learn how to capture the SpaceGirl geometry to the bones.
SpaceGirl Rigging | Seminar 7 | IK Controls
In this lesson, you will learn how to set up Inverse Kinematic controls to help pose your character.
SpaceGirl Rigging | Seminar 8 | Python
In this lesson, you will use Python to help control your rig.
SpaceGirl Rigging | Seminar 9 | Null Script
In this lesson, you will write a script to work with a null object.
SpaceGirl Rigging | Seminar 10 | Leg Controls
In this lesson, you will create animation controls for the legs.
SpaceGirl Rigging | Seminar 11 | Foot Roll Controls
In this lesson, you will learn how to create controls for rolling of the foot.
SpaceGirl Rigging | Seminar 12 | Foot Roll Complete
In this lesson, you will finish up the foot room control setup.
SpaceGirl Rigging | Seminar 13 | Python to Lock Parameters
In this lesson, you will use Python to lock parameters on the rig.
SpaceGirl Rigging | Seminar 14 | Thigh Twist
In this lesson, you will learn how to set up a thigh twist setup on your bones.
SpaceGirl Rigging | Seminar 15 | Shin Twist
In this lesson, you will set up a shin twist setup.
SpaceGirl Rigging | Seminar 16 | Global Control
In this lesson, you will set up a Global Control for your rig.
SpaceGirl Rigging | Seminar 17 | Keyable Parameters
In this lesson, you will learn how to set up keyable parameters to assist animators as they keyframe the rig.

Category: Character