Amjad Alhosaini


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Would Houdini be overkill for me? (Static form creation) March 12, 2021, 10:38 a.m.

if you most likely just want to create static geos..well then just get Apprentice and take it for a spin...absolutely nothing to lose except your time...but you HAVE to pay that way.

I've done enough MCGs to know that Houdini is far more flexible

doing stuff like this with MCG will not leave you with much hair left...

speaking about FREE...Blender 2.93 are going nodal too...I can see already it's way better than MCG but not at Houdini's maturity yet (obviously) why not take Blender out for a spin too ?

I respect MCG surely, but still no much learning recourses available. Houdini is the master of the proceduralism, with the ability to combine your geo with a robust fluid dynamics effects, fractals, L-trees, Vex..etc, which are missing in the other 3d platforms like Max.

I really envoy Blender community for the continues developing they get, but still going to blender means you should re-learn many aspects you have already mastered in Max for instance, and you need time to get used to it, and to practice it.

Would Houdini be overkill for me? (Static form creation) March 8, 2021, 2:29 p.m.

Hi Zirnworks,

I found this post lately. You have a great piece of art.

your situation is typical of mine.. still thinking where to go in this field. Now It's been 2 years from the date you post this, please tell me your experience if you joined Houdini club, did you find what you were asking for ?

I wish you still able to reply my question here.

best of luck,