Konstantin Kovalenko
Konstantin Kovalenko
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3D Connextion space mouse with Houdini May 22, 2024, 9:52 a.m.
Hey guys!
I just bought this mouse and a bit upset that in houdini it works weird, so in houdini there are two types of navigation, camera and fly mode.
In first one the problem that the target point is somewhere in the middle of object and need to focus on it everytime with F hotkey, but if i have huge city as one object its gonna be a problem. And it cant change the focus as normal mouse, where you have cursor. Fly somewhere far is breaking all rotation pivots and target.
In the second mode, fly, once you start flying its great, but when you fly far you notice that the pivot of the camera for rotation kept at the very first place where you started movement, and you cant rotate normally around yourself! So much struggling!
So looks like there is no way to fly normally in houdini at all for now!
Maybe you know any scripts or tools to fix it? And be able to fly like drone mode?
Thank you!
I just bought this mouse and a bit upset that in houdini it works weird, so in houdini there are two types of navigation, camera and fly mode.
In first one the problem that the target point is somewhere in the middle of object and need to focus on it everytime with F hotkey, but if i have huge city as one object its gonna be a problem. And it cant change the focus as normal mouse, where you have cursor. Fly somewhere far is breaking all rotation pivots and target.
In the second mode, fly, once you start flying its great, but when you fly far you notice that the pivot of the camera for rotation kept at the very first place where you started movement, and you cant rotate normally around yourself! So much struggling!

So looks like there is no way to fly normally in houdini at all for now!
Maybe you know any scripts or tools to fix it? And be able to fly like drone mode?
Thank you!
Hidden line ghost "Viewport Shading" - logic behind it !! April 17, 2020, 7:01 a.m.
found it
Hidden line ghost "Viewport Shading" - logic behind it !! April 17, 2020, 6:46 a.m.
hi all, ive got this difference between 18 and 17,5 houdini and is there a way to make 18 looks like it was 17.5? cuz i need to see background through geometry, maybe some toggle somewhere in settings?