Liesbeth Levick


About Me

Technical Director: CFX, specialist in Muscles/Tissues. Extensive Grooming knowledge too.
Technical Director


Toronto, Canada

Houdini Skills

Hair & Fur  | Muscles  | VEX  | Python


I am currently employed at SideFX

Recent Forum Posts

Hide hair not working Aug. 19, 2024, 12:41 p.m.

And just to clarify, the reason why I have the same group specified in both the guidegroom SOP and the visibility SOP is so that I don't accidentally affect guides that are hidden but still able to be affected by the tool in the guidegroom SOP, as it doesn't know anything about the downstream visibility.

Hide hair not working Aug. 19, 2024, 12:23 p.m.

Hi toonafish,

The guide selection issue was fixed in 20.5.328 - it was a Vulkan bug with subdivision curve display. As for your issue with the visibility, I am unable to recreate it, it works fine for me in both 20.0 and 20.5. What Guide Groom Tool are you using (Sculpt, Brush, etc?) and what OS do you use?

I've attached a video where I got it working, as well as specified a guide group called "visibility" which I input into the hairgen. I assume this is the result you want? It will obviously not be perfect as it won't be correct around the edges, but it will be the quickest way of getting the result you want.

Let me know if that helps.

Edit: I've also uploaded a hip file that I created in H20.0.751

Muscle and Tissue - Jiggle Aug. 9, 2024, 9:04 a.m.

Hi Milen,

Great to hear, happy I could help!
