Pavel Družba


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LOD Creation Toolkit Jan. 23, 2019, 6:15 a.m.

Hello Paul Ambrosiussen.
I just noticed this thread - and I am kinda confused to see its empty.
Not sure what it means.
I can say, I am very much interested in LOD creation toolset. I started using Houdini for this task like half a year ago, and, though I love a lot of what I can achieve there is also a lot that could work better for me, thats for sure.
Is there still an interest from your side to work on this?

Thank you

UV Autoseam merge threshold having no effect? Oct. 11, 2018, 10:14 a.m.

did anyone manage to make UV Autoseam work including the merge threshold to merge islands together? Maybe I do something wrong but I get some spliting based on Distortion tolerance but Merge threshold does not do anything at all …
Thank you for response.

Baking with simple baker and Cage object - please help. Aug. 21, 2018, 6:02 a.m.

Thank you - I guess this is way past my current abilities, but I will try to dive into it and understand what you wrote here.

To Luiz Kruel - something went a lot wrong after I installed the latest version. Not too sure about what it is, but I have now two simple bakers, one is Gamedev toolkit and one in digital assets … and the one in gamedev toolkit does not bake correctly now (working on other project that does not use cages today and yesterday.. so not sure yet how about cage use) .. the one in digital assets works as it used to do.

I guess it should work as it used to do without a cage, with fixed behavior when cage is used … so not really sure whats happening with it now.