Ti Ri
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Unreal Crash: Assertion failed: InstancingRandomSeed != 0 Aug. 16, 2024, 5:25 a.m.
After a day of debugging I found that this error occurs when the HDA is instantiating a mesh that is not loaded in memory.
If I manually instantiate the meshes before cooking my HDA, it works fine.
Does Houdini Engine not load assets not in memory before trying to instantiate them? Is this really an error on the Unreal side?
Or is there a setting that forces/ prevents this?
A hotfix would be to create a small asset zoo with all assets that are referenced by the HDA, which is not a sustainable solution though.
If I manually instantiate the meshes before cooking my HDA, it works fine.
Does Houdini Engine not load assets not in memory before trying to instantiate them? Is this really an error on the Unreal side?
Or is there a setting that forces/ prevents this?
A hotfix would be to create a small asset zoo with all assets that are referenced by the HDA, which is not a sustainable solution though.
Unreal Crash: Assertion failed: InstancingRandomSeed != 0 Aug. 15, 2024, 7:52 a.m.
Hi all!
For a few days I have been getting errors when trying to instantiate some Static Meshes inside Unreal.
Assertion failed: InstancingRandomSeed != 0
This error happens on Digital Assets that 100% worked before.
I tried to isolate the defective instance points, but which instance causes the crash is inconsistent. Some instances that triggered the crash reliably before work fine in the next session...
I also tried explicitly setting @unreal_InstancingRandomSeed = 0 but the error persists.
Any idea what causes this and how to fix this?
Any help is greatly appreciated
Houdini Engine: 7.0.0
Unreal: Version: 5.4.3-34507850+++UE5+Release-5.4
The last lines of the Unreal Crash Log:
For a few days I have been getting errors when trying to instantiate some Static Meshes inside Unreal.
Assertion failed: InstancingRandomSeed != 0
This error happens on Digital Assets that 100% worked before.
I tried to isolate the defective instance points, but which instance causes the crash is inconsistent. Some instances that triggered the crash reliably before work fine in the next session...
I also tried explicitly setting @unreal_InstancingRandomSeed = 0 but the error persists.
Any idea what causes this and how to fix this?
Any help is greatly appreciated

Houdini Engine: 7.0.0
Unreal: Version: 5.4.3-34507850+++UE5+Release-5.4
The last lines of the Unreal Crash Log:
[2024.08.15-10.56.36:548][321]LogHoudiniEngine: Warning: Creating Static Meshes: Object [0 bgeo_parser1], Geo [3], Part [4 file1_4], unable to retrieve LOD screensizes
[2024.08.15-10.56.36:554][321]LogStaticMesh: Display: Building static mesh object_bgeo_parser_1_0_0_3_4_main_geo (Required Memory Estimate: 0.010968 MB)...
[2024.08.15-10.56.36:555][321]LogStaticMesh: Built static mesh [0.00s] /Game/HoudiniEngine/Temp/object_bgeo_parser_1_0/8505F0F9/object_bgeo_parser_1_0_0_3_4_main_geo.object_bgeo_parser_1_0_0_3_4_main_geo
[2024.08.15-10.56.36:558][321]LogHoudiniEngine: CreateStaticMesh_MeshDescription() executed in 0.020179 seconds.
[2024.08.15-10.56.36:759][321]LogOutputDevice: Warning:
Script Stack (0 frames) :
[2024.08.15-10.56.36:773][321]LogWindows: Error: appError called: Assertion failed: InstancingRandomSeed != 0 [File:D:\build\++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\InstancedStaticMesh.cpp] [Line: 2250]
[2024.08.15-10.56.36:773][321]LogWindows: Windows GetLastError: The operation completed successfully. (0)
"Failed to cook raster" when SOP is not in active viewport July 31, 2023, 3:56 a.m.
Hi all,
I have built an image effect (COP) that uses a SOP internally to process an image, so basically COP->SOP->COP.
This works perfectly as long as I have the geo (SOP) in the active viewport.
But as soon as I try to only look at the COP output, the SOP fails to cook and instead gives me a "Failed to cook raster" error, or freezes my Houdini with 100% CPU load.
Any idea what I could do to "force" this node to cook before receiving its output in the COP again? Or what else could be wrong here?
Thanks in advance for any input on this
I have built an image effect (COP) that uses a SOP internally to process an image, so basically COP->SOP->COP.
This works perfectly as long as I have the geo (SOP) in the active viewport.
But as soon as I try to only look at the COP output, the SOP fails to cook and instead gives me a "Failed to cook raster" error, or freezes my Houdini with 100% CPU load.
Any idea what I could do to "force" this node to cook before receiving its output in the COP again? Or what else could be wrong here?
Thanks in advance for any input on this