Kaleb Goulding


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Copy To Points - rot point attribute not working? Sept. 23, 2020, 10:41 p.m.

there's two things I don't understand about the copyToPoints SOP.
1. transform using target point orientations - the tooltip explains that the ‘rot’ point attribute can be used to rotate copies. this does not look to be working as intended.
2. copyToPoints defaults to ‘z up’ behavior if transforming using target point orientation normals. this is not ideal if working in y up and scattering objects, it adds another corrective rotation that I need to keep track of.

ive attached a simple scene to show this behavior. any insight into these two things would be appreciated


Using results of lighting and look dev work outside of LOPs Dec. 28, 2019, 4:35 p.m.

Fixed the USD ROP in Houdini Indie/Apprentice to allow it to save out USDNC/USDLC files that compose in existing USD files from disk (rather than only being able to compose in other USDNC/USDLC files).

Does this mean that to USD will need to be authored first within another software package in order for it to be used in both other packages and houdini? And is it possible for USDNC/USDLC to be able to save out in ascii format?

cannot find pre and postSyncCallback attributes Nov. 5, 2018, 4 p.m.

ah. that would explain it. turns out I was the one that was outdated! I'm running 16.5 still, and was unaware that these were added recently.