Marcus Ottosson


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Gradient Descent April 5, 2020, 10:41 a.m.

I ported the example to VEX, thought it might be helpful even though the thread is a few years now.

int numiterations = chi("number_of_iterations");
float gravity = chf("gravity");
float max_search_distance = chf("max_search_distance");

vector last_position = @P;
for (int _i=0; _i < numiterations; _i++) {
    // Move with gravity
    //        |
    //        |
    //        v
    vector new_position = last_position + set(0, -gravity, 0);
    // Resolve collision
    //    _____|
    //   /     |
    //  /      |\
    // /       v -->
    //            \____
    last_position = minpos(1, "", new_position, max_search_distance);

    int ptnum = addpoint(0, last_position);
    setpointattrib(0, "id", ptnum, @ptnum);

Feed Maya shape node with geo from Houdini May 15, 2010, 5:36 a.m.

That look absolutely marvelous, SYmek. Will to some reading up on it.

Feed Maya shape node with geo from Houdini May 14, 2010, 6:32 p.m.

Did some checking up on COM as well which looks interesting.

Please forgive my poor programming knowledge but, to use COM, one would essentially need to write plug-ins for both Houdini and Maya, right?