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a problem in my first attempt to model in Houdini (Appr.) Sept. 19, 2015, 11:56 a.m.


a problem in my first attempt to model in Houdini (Appr.) Sept. 13, 2015, 9:38 p.m.

Nope. Wrong message.

a problem in my first attempt to model in Houdini (Appr.) Sept. 6, 2015, 11:41 a.m.

Hi there,
It's my first try to model stg. in Houdini, and it seems I hit a problem.
It's in that “tube_object1” object and I can't get cutting a sphere with a circle right.
I tried changing several parameters without succeeding in getting desired result.
Do I make something wrong or it won't/can't happen and I should do it another way?
Should I expect same problem when I try to cut and bridge more complex surfaces (curve_object1 to curve_object3)?
I am totally inexperienced in Houdini - just watched some H. related video tutorials, but I have some experience in 3D.