Peter Plevritis


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United States

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usdmaterialpath within SOP Modify March 28, 2024, 12:21 a.m.

Here's the simple/basic code to get the usd path. This is in a Python SOP inside a SOP Modify node. This is after a Material Library and Assign Material.

node = hou.pwd()
geo = node.geometry()

prims = geo.prims()
for primN in prims:
val = primN.attribValue('usdmaterialpath')
print( 'val', val )

usdmaterialpath within SOP Modify March 26, 2024, 2:18 p.m.

Within a SOP_Modify I'm using a python node to access the usdmaterialpath attribute of imported geo. This gives me the material path as a lop/usd path (/materials/materialName).

I would like to access that material (within this SOP_Modify) to query a few parameters of that material.

How do I resolve that path to that node within a SOP_Modify? How do I access that LOP material node's attributes via python within a SOP_Modify?

Thanks for any help.

skip rendered frames? Jan. 12, 2023, 12:51 p.m.

I would also really like a 'Skip Rendered Frames' option added to husk. Simple idea but very useful.
