will c

will c

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12.1 HD Apprentice to 12.5 update not HD? March 20, 2013, 12:41 p.m.

A new license entitlement email came in yesterday. Now doing the Install Licenses step fixed the problem.


12.1 HD Apprentice to 12.5 update not HD? March 16, 2013, 1:51 p.m.


I am experiencing the same problem. I purchased the HD edition yesterday which appears to have installed a license for 12.0 but not 12.5. I did the install licenses thing through the license administrator and that didn't change the situation.

The License Administrator shows
Houdini-Master-NonCommercial 12.5
Render-NonCommercial 12.5
Render-NonCommercial 12.0
Houdini-Apprentice-HD 12.0

I assume that last one should read 12.5. Any other ideas? Thanks!

Hoo-ray! fer fancy book learnin' Dec. 16, 2006, 6:30 p.m.

halo friends,

nope, there is no errata page to be found. sorry about that. between how few and small the problems have been as reported and normal (busy!) life in production, i haven't taken the time to collate and post what has come in.

as to other details, there are some things i would like to add to the book to make it a more complete introduction to the package. if thomson decides they want to have another go at it in a second edition, i'd like to add a COPs chapter, a CHOPs chapter, updates for UI and fluids from H9, improve a couple of the exercises, add a couple o' exercises using the point SOP, and correct a few grammar and logic errors. all that included, the second edition should be a fully fleshed intro to intermediate text.

as for a Houdini advanced topics book, i'd love for someone to write one as well. peter, jason, other guru types, get rolling!

before i would try a hand at it, 1. i need more experience working with houdini at its most esoteric levels, and 2. having a number of months off to get the effort rolling would also be nice. so, we'll see.
