In this second of two videos, we will be finalizing the front leg. In this video, we will be creating twist effectors and custom parameters to drive the IK/FK blend.

Download the scene file created in this video below. You can create your own rig from scratch by following along this tutorial series, or just grab one of the accompanying scene files that are available in each chapter and continue!


  • chemi 7 years, 1 month ago  | 

    Hello, great tutorial. One question... There is some movement when switching from IK to FK, is it supposed to stay still? It's the same case with the provided scene file. I am using Houdini 16.5. Any advice is much appreciated, Thank you =0)

  • blaabjerg 7 years, 1 month ago  | 

    Hey Chemi, no it shouldn't move when you blend, I am showing this later in the tutorial, but basically I imagine that your twist affectors are not placed at the correct angle from the bending point of your IK.

    • chemi 7 years, 1 month ago  | 

      Ok thanks, I'll take another look, and continue the tutorial.

  • Jason Zhu 6 years, 5 months ago  | 

    It's difficult to me .... the hierarchy is too complex and confused

  • duoq 6 years, 4 months ago  | 

    Unnecessarily complicated! You also jump cut once at around 7:26. And it was enough to drive me crazy because i had to rewind and double check many times.
    - A new null node magically appeared above L_frontleg_null
    - L_frontlegTEfront_local suddenly got a new parent, that parent was out of view.
    Because i didn't know what node is parent to TEfront_local so when i follow your steps, my twist location messed up.
    The "keep position when parenting" is very tricky. So if you jump cut and we miss 1 of that, it's disaster. This kind of error is impossible to check by viewing attached scene file because the "connect then tick then disconnect " workflow doesn't save in the file.

    By the way, why did i say it's "unnecessarily complicated"? Because you should save these kind of stuffs for later video, about optimizing or advance technique or whatever. Just make an usable twist affector first, it doesn't need to be perfect right from the start. And if you show some examples to prove that twist affector has to be perfect then it's ok. But you didn't show it. And it keeps me wondering why i have to do that many incomprehensible steps for a simple task.

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