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TOTAL DURATION: 1h 36m 25s

Explore the captivating fire scenes from 'Orion,' a short film by the talented director Ash Thorp and produced by the amazing Hydra Studios. Urban Bradesko will show you the workflows used to create this cinematic masterpiece.

Be sure to go to Theory Accelerated for access to a Free Non-commercial version of Axiom to use with this lesson.

Check out the new Theory Accelerated Studio for a growing collection of free Houdini tutorials.


  • ommlet88 1 year, 3 months ago  | 

    Urban, hi!Thanks for tutorial. Dropbox files are locked btw.

  • Enivob 1 year, 3 months ago  | 

    Yep, same here. Dang!

  • alphalupi_motiondesign 1 year, 3 months ago  | 

    FYI this workshop is also accessible on the “theory accelerated studios” website (the dropbox link works fine on this site)
    there are also other workshops accessible after creating an account.

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