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Destruction plays a big role in many of the most popular video games. Learn how to fracture a building, generate the explosion and export the sim from Houdini to UE4. Learn how to art direct the results by fracturing different parts of the model based on their material type then setting up glue constraint networks. Once the explosion has been simulated, learn how to use the Vertex Animation Texture tools from SideFX Labs to transfer the simulation into UE4. Once in the game engine, you can set up trigger boxes and use blueprints to set off the explosion.

NOTE: These lessons use the SideFX Labs tools. Make sure the latest release (non production build) is installed when doing this lesson.



Caitlyn Trout is a senior technical artist at inXile Entertainment. She discovered technical art while in school at the Florida Interactive Entertainment Academy. She's worked in the AAA game sphere since 2013 on teams at EA Tiburon and Gearbox Software. She’s contributed to multiple games as a tech artist including Borderlands: the Presequel, Battleborn and Borderlands 3. Caitlyn enjoys coding art pipeline tools, discovering new vfx techniques and empowering artists in building bigger, more reactive worlds.

More from caittrout


  • BlissettDMB 3 years, 10 months ago  | 

    I asked @SIMON VERSTRAETE to help out with a SideFX Tutorial on Destruction\Vertex Animation setup between Houdini and Unity, and he pointed Me to your work.
    I did watch your earlier videos on Youtube [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KYCDmOe4i_A] which was mega awesome!!!
    Well done!!!

    I was so inspired that I decided that it would be in wonderful if you did a similar walk-through for Unity :)

    Watching your vides now.

    Thanks again,


  • BlissettDMB 3 years, 10 months ago  | 

    Were project files ever published with this series??? Google points Me here for the starting point for this post, but I cant locate the Project Files.
    Kindly let me know when possible.


  • lb29212746 3 years, 10 months ago  | 

    where PROJECT FILES?

  • Unreology 3 years, 8 months ago  | 

    To download the project files click on the first link "PROJECT FILES" in the top-right list

  • folpatte 3 years, 8 months ago  | 

    Hey Caitlyn !

    Thank you for your tutorial serie, it is great and super enriching.
    I would be curious to see one covering more in depth the steps for setting the VAT shader : pasting the code in the material function and following manipulations to grab pivot min and max from houdini, or to set the is looping parameter. I am not familiar with those.
    Let me know if that is something you could do someday.

    Thank you very much for the very smooth tutorials serie.

    Kind regards,

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