Destruction III heavily revolves around exploring a production-based scenario. That means establishing specific goals, coming up with creative strategies which address these aims, and implementing custom setups to resolve various situations. In many ways, this mimics exactly the sort of tasks you would be faced with in a professional environment, and it's one of the many things which makes this course stand out from other RBD tutorials.
Another thing that's nice about this course is that the information is condensed, focused, and provides detailed insight without taking more time than necessary. As mentioned in the teaser video, we'll be examining specific concepts which all differ from each other while exploring techniques which can later be implemented into your own HDAs and custom setups.
Toward the end of the course, we'll bring together the various layers of simulations while addressing many artistic and organizational topics. There's a lot of miscellaneous tips and tricks which all need to come together for a great RBD simulation. In addition to the main content, there is also plenty of generally useful information along the way as well. Visit CG Forge to check it out, and thanks for watching!
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