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Houdini Digital Assets play a big role in many Houdini workflows. You can create tools to build streamlined workflows for your team. Wrap up a larger network into a single digital asset node then build an artist-friendly interface. Learn how you can do this by leveraging Houdini’s node based workflow and dragging and dropping parameters instead of writing code. Along the way you will build up a fence asset that can be controlled by an input curve.
sans_comic 3 years, 7 months ago |
Thought I should bring to your notice that Part 4 of this tutorial series has not been uploaded to YouTube, it's missing there. Thanks to everyone involved for creating it and making it available. Best wishes and good luck.
Alex92PK 2 years, 10 months ago |
This is super rewarding to complete! Feels like i make a huge progress to understand houdini! in love with digital assets now! thanks!
djfite97 2 years, 9 months ago |
Great lessons. Learned a lot here!
rrAlexandru_Muresan 2 years, 2 months ago |
I am watching this right now on youtube, it's awesome! Great job guys!
zhouyustudio 5 months ago |
Nice Tutorial
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