No apologies needed either way. Might be a bug, or maybe something related to another setting that I had, or perhaps even not enough substeps in the sim for the velocity of the brick.
I've just done a quick test and I can't say concave/convex would give identical results...but Convex seems pretty good to me. One thing I noticed was, if the glass is really really thin, convex seems to be a bit "gluey"...if you would then decrease the collision padding, it fixed it.
vusta 4 years, 1 month ago |
mmm...nah...19:50 should be Create Deforming Static Object only. Treating a boxy brick as concave is silly.
Midphase 4 years, 1 month ago |
For some reason using Convex didn't give me accurate results. Don't know why, but I tried the other way and it didn't seem to work.
vusta 4 years, 1 month ago |
oh really ? well i'll have a quick go then, if I'm wrong will absolutely apologise, no probs.
Midphase 4 years, 1 month ago |
No apologies needed either way. Might be a bug, or maybe something related to another setting that I had, or perhaps even not enough substeps in the sim for the velocity of the brick.
vusta 4 years, 1 month ago |
I've just done a quick test and I can't say concave/convex would give identical results...but Convex seems pretty good to me.
One thing I noticed was, if the glass is really really thin, convex seems to be a bit "gluey"...if you would then decrease the collision padding, it fixed it.!AvgNse7E8aayhFvsRS6yGe0eYmzL?e=8w6hIa
Midphase 4 years, 1 month ago |
Cool. I'll do some more tests today on the project and see what results I can get with Convex. Thanks.
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