• windwolfx23 5 years, 3 months ago  | 

    rigging in Houdini is really scarry...

  • emilbalek 5 years, 1 month ago  | 

    Just in time for Halloween.

  • dddmod___ 5 years ago  | 

    Cool! I also study rigs in Houdini, but this it’s a mystery where to find a job later :-) everyone works in Maya, and it’s impossible to export rigs from Houdini to Maya

  • forton 4 years, 9 months ago  | 

    Just to answer some comments:
    If you know the logic behind houdini, rigging becomes really straightforward, if you start learning houdini maybe don't start with character animation, learn the basics first.
    Install houdini engine for maya or any other software that supports it and you can just load your asset (in this case a rigged character) and have full functionality in your software of choice.

  • phinnaeus 4 years, 4 months ago  | 

    Great tutorial, one problem i'm getting though is when I parent the ctrls to my head bone in my rig and rotate the head ctrl the transform points don't translate with the bone.
    Can you help please?

  • phinnaeus 4 years, 4 months ago  | 

    Its ok I sussed it, I had the bone deform node before and not after the blendshapes. Doh!

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