I rendered a crypotmatte with Karma in Houdini19. In Houdinis Compositor everything is working as expected but in Nuke, the crypto plugin doesnt find any layers.
Cryptomatte in Houdini Comp. Working as expected.
This is how the channels end up in Nuke with the Karma rendering.
Mantra crypto channels
After copying the CryptoObject channels to CryptoObject00 , Nukes plugin finds the layer but gives noisy results.
Is this a known problem or am I doing something fundamentally wrong? Cheers martin
Hi. I submitted it as a bug during the Beta of H19 to Foundry. They have given it a high priority to fix but I have not heard anything back since. If I do I'll repost here.
dlee As a workaround, you may pass '--exrmode 0' into husk commandline argument (or use 'icp' tool post render) to output old fashioned non-multipart EXR.