The circle drawn in the viewport is derived from the current bounding box of the agent [] (e.g what you would get from the Bound SOP or the `bounds` primitive intrinsic
However, it's located at the agent's point position, not the bbox center, and its radius is set to half the X/Z size
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Technical Discussion » Get the bounds of an agent
- cwhite
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Solaris and Karma » very Slow SopCharacterImport (convert to agent / sort roots)
- cwhite
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That sounds like a bug if it's not terminating - are you able to submit that example skeleton to support? I wonder if there's something invalid in the hierarchy causing issues
Regardless, I think that particular node is actually unnecessary in this case since it's only required when the Agent Pose from Rig node has Root Transform set to "Transfer to Primitive Transform" and the Root Joint parameter is empty.
Regardless, I think that particular node is actually unnecessary in this case since it's only required when the Agent Pose from Rig node has Root Transform set to "Transfer to Primitive Transform" and the Root Joint parameter is empty.
Technical Discussion » Crowd agents deactivate/drop props
- cwhite
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If the props are part of the agent's geometry, I think you'd want to make sure you have a separate prop joint so that the shield can move independently from the hand joint when it separates.
Then if you want to drop the shield via the ragdoll solver, you could switch to a partial ragdoll state where the prop joint is active but the rest of the character is following your animation clip. If the prop joint is parented to other joints in the skeleton you would also need to remove the Bullet constraint that's holding it together in the ragdoll sim (this is basically the same idea as detaching limbs from a ragdoll
Then if you want to drop the shield via the ragdoll solver, you could switch to a partial ragdoll state where the prop joint is active but the rest of the character is following your animation clip. If the prop joint is parented to other joints in the skeleton you would also need to remove the Bullet constraint that's holding it together in the ragdoll sim (this is basically the same idea as detaching limbs from a ragdoll
Houdini Indie and Apprentice » RBDCarDeform setup ?
- cwhite
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I think you need to also wire the heightfield into the third input of RBD Car Deform. The extra sphere collider also probably would need to be merged into the heightfield too, probably with HeightField Project?
Technical Discussion » How to set an attribute within RBDSolver Node
- cwhite
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Technical Discussion » How to set an attribute within RBDSolver Node
- cwhite
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I think this is hitting a bug in the Vulkan viewport with displaying point Cd on packed fragment prims (bug #140561), but note that to get the Cd attribute transferred to the SOP output you'll need to add Cd to the list/pattern of attributes on the solver's Output -> Attribute Transfer parameter
Technical Discussion » Manually adding blendshapes to crowd agents
- cwhite
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In tomorrow's build (20.5.332) the Agent Layer SOP also now adds any missing blendshape channels to the agent's rig, so you can set this up much more easily (see attached file)
Technical Discussion » Houdini crowds and USD workflow
- cwhite
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If instanced skelroots don't work in UE (I don't know offhand if that's expected behaviour or not), you could disable instancing using a Configure Primitive LOP applied to the SkelRoot primitives
Technical Discussion » Manually adding blendshapes to crowd agents
- cwhite
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Agent from Rig does create a new agent, but if you follow a KineFX-style workflow for creating the agent (as in the attached example) then that isn't a problem
The agent's rig stores the list of defined channels as well as the joints (, so adding new channels involves modifying the agent's rig. If you do this later on, there isn't a node-based way to do it and you'd need to use HOM (e.g. hou.crowds.replaceAgentDefinitions() after creating a new version of the agent definition with the modified hou.AgentRig
The agent's rig stores the list of defined channels as well as the joints (, so adding new channels involves modifying the agent's rig. If you do this later on, there isn't a node-based way to do it and you'd need to use HOM (e.g. hou.crowds.replaceAgentDefinitions() after creating a new version of the agent definition with the modified hou.AgentRig
Solaris and Karma » Crowd animate visibility
- cwhite
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Technical Discussion » Instancing lots of ragdolls with collisions
- cwhite
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Using the crowd tools is probably the easiest way to simulate a large number of ragdolls. The KineFX ragdoll solver is aimed more at a single character, so it would be awkward to set up unless you merge all the skeletons together with unique joint names, or something like that
Solaris and Karma » how to use normals from attributes on an agent?
- cwhite
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This is a limitation with Hydra currently - it doesn't perform skinning on the normals and instead flags them as needing to be recomputed after the deformation
A workaround is using the Bake Skinning LOP which does support deforming normals, with the downside of the skinning being baked instead of happening at render time
A workaround is using the Bake Skinning LOP which does support deforming normals, with the downside of the skinning being baked instead of happening at render time
Solaris and Karma » Crowd props not showing up in Solaris
- cwhite
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You shouldn't need to use a wrangle to attach rigid shapes - the easiest way is to set up rigid skinning just like you would in KineFX, using Capture Packed Geometry
Around 25 minutes into [] demonstrates this []
Around 25 minutes into [] demonstrates this []
Solaris and Karma » Crowd props not showing up in Solaris
- cwhite
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Technical Discussion » Cone Twist Constraint rotation damping/resistance?
- cwhite
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To add resistant to rotation (while still within the limits), you can turn on Enable Motor and Target Current Pose, which will try to maintain the current relative orientation depending on the motor's strength
Solaris and Karma » crowds in solaris
- cwhite
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Would you be able to attach your file (or submit it to SideFX support)?
It sounds like there is definitely something going wrong, especially if both importing as UsdSkel and importing as a mesh are not working well..
It sounds like there is definitely something going wrong, especially if both importing as UsdSkel and importing as a mesh are not working well..
Technical Discussion » Houdini 20 Crowd Agents Render as Spheres in /Stage
- cwhite
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If a USD curves prim has no `widths` attribute authored, I think Hydra will default to displaying it with a width of 1.0
This is coming from the `main_ctrl_nurbs_curve0` shape which you probably don't want to render anyways - you could either filter that out as you're importing the agent from FBX (using the KineFX route of FBX Character Import -> Agent from Rig -> Agent Layer etc gives you the most flexibility to remove and alter shapes), or use the Agent Layer SOP to just create a new layer which contains the skin geometry but not that curve shape
This is coming from the `main_ctrl_nurbs_curve0` shape which you probably don't want to render anyways - you could either filter that out as you're importing the agent from FBX (using the KineFX route of FBX Character Import -> Agent from Rig -> Agent Layer etc gives you the most flexibility to remove and alter shapes), or use the Agent Layer SOP to just create a new layer which contains the skin geometry but not that curve shape
Animation » Value clip on USD skel animation impossible ?
- cwhite
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I'm not aware of any limitations in USD that would prevent this from working.
Do you have an example of your setup?
Do you have an example of your setup?
Technical Discussion » Houdini 20 Crowd Agent Clip Transition Shrinks to Points
- cwhite
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Yeah, I was just about to reply that there was some sort of scale mismatch between the clips (the other clips looked to be scaled down by an extra factor of 0.01), so an inconsistent hierarchy could explain that.
Technical Discussion » Kinefx rig in crowds?
- cwhite
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Your setup looks fairly reasonable from the network screenshots, at least. The agentclip node looks like it isn't time-dependent, so you might need to turn on the Clip Preview settings to get it to preview playback of the new clip you added?
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