Yeah, the terrain projection is based on raycasting so you're likely correct that the sharp corners are the problem.
I'd maybe try using some proxy geometry for the terrain where the corners are smoothed out? You might want that anyways so that the agent turns in a smoother manner instead of snapping quickly to the new up vector
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Technical Discussion » Crowd not following terrain
- cwhite
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Technical Discussion » Crowd agents without rig?
- cwhite
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You don't necessarily need to export to another file format - you could use the KineFX tools to set up the blendshapes ( and then create an agent out of the kinefx character (
Houdini Indie and Apprentice » H20: CROWD: Agentlayer node: how to bind a shape to bone
- cwhite
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I think the equivalent is using the Shape Bindings tab near the top (setting the Transform Name to the joint to attach to). See also: [] and []
Technical Discussion » Crowd agents without rig?
- cwhite
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Agent primitives use either skinning and/or blendshapes for animation, so if skinning isn't usable you could convert into blendshapes with a shape per frame or something like that
Technical Discussion » How to assign agent layers
- cwhite
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The Crowd Assign Layers SOP is probably what you're looking for, but you'll want to set up a separate agent layer for the prop shape. The 'LayerVariations' helpcard example for Agent Layer should be pretty close to what you're doing
Technical Discussion » How to perform multithreaded GU_Detail->load() ?
- cwhite
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It shouldn't be required to do anything like that - I've filed a bug to investigate what's happening
Solaris and Karma » Solaris Crowd import, agent definitions issue
- cwhite
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FYI, comparing the hou.AgentDefinition's is the correct way to see if you have somehow created multiple unique agent definitions. Individual pieces like the rig and shape library can potentially be shared across agent definitions, e.g. if you have a new version of an agent definition which just contains some new clips
Technical Discussion » How to perform multithreaded GU_Detail->load() ?
- cwhite
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Loading bgeo files in parallel should be safe (as long as you're using separate GU_Detail's per thread, of course)
Technical Discussion » How to merge 2 agent clips into Crowsource
- cwhite
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I don't think I can really answer without seeing the scene file and assets. But perhaps the Convert Units parameters on the FBX import nodes, etc were configured inconsistently?
Technical Discussion » How to merge 2 agent clips into Crowsource
- cwhite
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It sounds like the Avoidance tab on the Crowd Solver is perhaps what you're looking for?
Technical Discussion » How to merge 2 agent clips into Crowsource
- cwhite
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Rather than creating separate agents, I think you instead want to add multiple clips to the same agent definition (you can do this using the Agent Clip SOP).
Technical Discussion » Manually adding blendshapes to crowd agents
- cwhite
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If you're using the agent layer SOP, it supports the KineFX blendshape format so you can use Character Blend Shapes Add to assemble blendshapes on your shape (
Note that you also need to have the corresponding channels on the agent's rig, which the Agent from Rig SOP can import from the 'clipchannels' attribute, e.g. from the Character Blend Shape Channels SOP
Note that you also need to have the corresponding channels on the agent's rig, which the Agent from Rig SOP can import from the 'clipchannels' attribute, e.g. from the Character Blend Shape Channels SOP
Technical Discussion » Agents with Point Animation
- cwhite
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zakkataraYou can use the Agent from Rig SOP for that - there's a helpcard example with a full example of the workflow
Just gotta work out how to link kinefx skeletons to an agent...
Technical Discussion » Agents with Point Animation
- cwhite
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You can also do blendshape deformation with agents, so that could be an option depending on what you need
Technical Discussion » Crowd transition help
- cwhite
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It depends on the workflow you want, but you don't necessarily need to have a separate state for each clip. E.g. if you turn on the Randomize Clips option on the Crowd State DOP, agents can randomly choose a clip from the distribution you specify, and then you only have one state to manage
Technical Discussion » Crowd prep issue
- cwhite
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This was a bug that was fixed already for H20 - I've backported this for tomorrow's build (19.5.774)
Technical Discussion » [CROWD] - Look at jittering issue
- cwhite
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The settings on the crowd solver's Look At tab might be more important to examine - those parameters control how the skeleton is adjusted to follow the target
Technical Discussion » [AGENT] - Deleting existing clip
- cwhite
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I think the only way to do this is in Python via hou.AgentDefinition
If there is a good use case for this please RFE adding it to the Agent Clip SOP. I haven't come across many use cases for needing to do this, especially since the clip library is delay-loaded from disk.
If there is a good use case for this please RFE adding it to the Agent Clip SOP. I haven't come across many use cases for needing to do this, especially since the clip library is delay-loaded from disk.
Technical Discussion » RBD Center of Mass
- cwhite
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The default behaviour is to compute the COM on the first simulation frame, so you probably need to turn off Compute Center of Mass (the 'computecom' point attribute)
Technical Discussion » custom crowd trigger node
- cwhite
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Can you attach an example of your HDA? This approach should work for letting a custom HDA act as a trigger
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