custom crowd trigger node

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I'm interested in creating my own custom crowd trigger node as the current node is somewhat limited in options. I know I can use the VEX mode to get more detailed, but I was hoping to setup something like the pop vop but for setting triggers. In the manual it says: "A user-defined asset can also be used as a trigger if it has a triggerattrib parameter specifying the name of the point attribute that contains its trigger value." But when I setup this parameter, it still doesn't seem to work, with the error "cant find trigger name" Any ideas?

Thanks, Karl
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Just use VEX mode. All you have to do is set i@trigger on the point.
// setting i@trigger to 1 will enable
// setting i@trigger to 0 will disable
i@trigger = -1;
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While it is true I could just use the VEX mode, I see in the manual that there is a way to make your own. So now I want to! A common frustration with the Houdini manual, I'm sure.
Edited by Karl Richter - July 12, 2023 12:21:58
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Can you attach an example of your HDA? This approach should work for letting a custom HDA act as a trigger
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