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Houdini Indie and Apprentice » Alembic export: UV problem
- wolfwood
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There are some degenerate polygons as a result of the fracturing. Houdini can handle them, however Maya can not. Using a Clean SOP should remove the bad polys and allow Maya to read the .abc.
Technical Discussion » The New "import" keyword in H13
- wolfwood
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Hmm. Seems like it should work. Can you post a simple hip file?
The issue I was referring to is if you had wired it into a displacement shader, you'd get an error like this-
Warning: Errors or warnings encountered during VEX compile:
/shop/vopmaterial1: Failed to import function ‘directlighting’ for context ‘displace’. Only available in the ‘surface’ context. (21,1:21).
The issue I was referring to is if you had wired it into a displacement shader, you'd get an error like this-
Warning: Errors or warnings encountered during VEX compile:
/shop/vopmaterial1: Failed to import function ‘directlighting’ for context ‘displace’. Only available in the ‘surface’ context. (21,1:21).
Technical Discussion » The New "import" keyword in H13
- wolfwood
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Possibly a dumb question, but are you importing directlighting into a Surface shader?
You can only import shaders from a matching context.
You can only import shaders from a matching context.
Technical Discussion » Promoting unified noise parms to top level of HDA
- wolfwood
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One option is to use the Import Settings option on your HDA. You specify a node and a parm group. Then in the little gear box option there is an option to “refresh imports” which will rebuild those links. Works pretty well. Sadly its a UI only action at the moment as there is no HOM method that exposes that functionality.
There is an RFE for it tho….
ID: 25143 - Created: 81 Months Ago
There is an RFE for it tho….
ID: 25143 - Created: 81 Months Ago
Houdini Lounge » [Old Man Rant] Filamant Advect Sop and tab completion.
- wolfwood
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I would have thought that's what the oprename command is suppose to address but it doesn't seem to be working.
Technical Discussion » rotating/scaling packed geometry via vex/vops
- wolfwood
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If you look at the intrinsics in the Attribute Spreadsheet you'll notice some are grayed out and other ones aren't. The grayed out ones are read only, while the white ones are read/write. If you want to modify the transform of the packed prim you'll need to modify the transform (matrix3) intrinsic and the P.
Technical Discussion » Make Unreadable Digital Assets !
- wolfwood
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wow. this is an ugly internal people problem, not a thechnical one…
Not necessarily. Being able to encrypt and lock down assets would be beneficial when dealing with outsource vendors for example. Give them the tool to help in the creation of shots, without giving away proprietary IP that potentially represents significant investment in R&D.
Technical Discussion » cvex_bsdf() vtransform
- wolfwood
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cvex shaders can be considered ‘external’ programs and have no information about the current rendering state. If you want to transform things around in your cvex shader its best to pass the matrix as a parameter.
Technical Discussion » packed prims and complex data
- wolfwood
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thank you mark!
“But, right now, it's only possible to set the materials on the top level packed primitive in a reliable way.”
i m not exactly shure what you mean by that…. at the moment we can assign 1 material per packed prim?
You can make nested packed prims. (Ie packing a bunch of packed prims into one prim.) Right now only those top level material assignments are supported, assignments to the inner nested prims wouldn't be.
Technical Discussion » Intel TBB version shipping with 12.5
- wolfwood
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Technical Discussion » Determine OpenVDB version
- wolfwood
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I shall accept answer one. The second answer doesn't make me look quite as cool to my peers

Technical Discussion » Determine OpenVDB version
- wolfwood
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or…if you don't like showing off your technical prowess you can just look at $HT/include/openvdb/version.h (The headers started shipping since 12.5.489)
Technical Discussion » Determine OpenVDB version
- wolfwood
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OpenVDB is namespaced with its version so if you look at $HH/dso/ you should see the version number. v1_1_1
Toodle pip!
Toodle pip!
Houdini Lounge » H12.5 viewport displays geometry that it's NOT SUPPOSED TO!
- wolfwood
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You sure you don't have Edit -> Preferences -> Default Geometry Display set to “Show Current Operator” instead of “Show Display Operator”? That would result in geometry being shown that didn't have its Display Flag set.
Technical Discussion » H12 .bgeo format problem when using ply2vrmesh (Vray tool)
- wolfwood
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I know you mentioned 3DSMax and Alembic support for that is somewhat lacking, but its worth noting that modern versions of V-Ray support Alembic along with .vrmeshes. And while Alembic files aren't as optimized for V-Ray as the voxelized vrmesh files they are a viable format, plus Maya and Houdini both support Alembic also.
Houdini Lounge » Gas Repeat Solver and Houdini 12.5
- wolfwood
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Viktor Lundqvist2
I can get the same result if I unlock the pyrosolver, unlock the smokesolver and then stick the gas repeat solver into the solver inputs. However I don't really like to unlock and modify assests.
I wonder if taking away the first input is a active choise from sidefx or just a bug…
I'm not sure where you are wiring in the Gas Repeat, but the Pyro Solver DOP has 4 inputs on the asset that allow you to wire in additional microsolvers into different steps of the solve. If one of those inputs don't allow for the correct ordering then ya, you'll have to unlock the asset.
Houdini Lounge » Gas Repeat Solver and Houdini 12.5
- wolfwood
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All the microsolvers had their first input (the objects to attach to) removed to avoid clutter. You can still get the same result by wiring the microsolver into a Multisolver DOP.
Have a look at the Pyro Solver DOP asset, it has a Gas Repeat Solver in it.
Have a look at the Pyro Solver DOP asset, it has a Gas Repeat Solver in it.
Technical Discussion » icons not showing up houdini 12.5 opensuse 12.3
- wolfwood
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Might be because Houdini is picking up the system's Python 2.7 libraries instead of its own.
Try setting-
export HOUDINI_PYTHON_BIN=$HFS/python/bin/python2.6
export HOUDINI_PYTHON_LIB=$HFS/python/lib/
In your bashrc assuming $HFS is defined at that point.
Try setting-
export HOUDINI_PYTHON_BIN=$HFS/python/bin/python2.6
export HOUDINI_PYTHON_LIB=$HFS/python/lib/
In your bashrc assuming $HFS is defined at that point.
Houdini Lounge » Curve normals : implement this algorithm
- wolfwood
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As a side note, you can try out the PolyFrame SOP to compute tangent vectors on a curve.
Technical Discussion » query mantra settings during a procedural
- wolfwood
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Unfortunately in the Houdini 12 and 12.1 docs, this page only shows you the label as it appears on the Mantra ROP, which makes it easier to search for, but is significantly less helpful.
BUG id = 48428, submitted 251 day ago.
Quickest way to see all the mappings is-
Renderer(“renderer”, “uvobject”, “string”, “vm_uvobject”)
Renderer(“renderer”, “uvattribute”, “string”, “vm_uvattribute”)
Renderer(“renderer”, “objroot”, “string”, “vm_objroot”)
Renderer(“renderer”, “networkqsize”, “int”, “vm_networkqsize”)
Renderer(“renderer”, “octreestyle”, “string”, “vm_octreestyle”)
Renderer(“renderer”, “kdmemfactor”, “float”, “vm_kdmemfactor”)
Renderer(“renderer”, “bboxenablelod”, “bool”, “vm_bboxenablelod”)
Renderer(“renderer”, “shadingfactor”, “float”, “vm_shadingfactor”)
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