particle fall off

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hi .. am trying this simple particle sim….well at least i thought i was simple till i started doing it … am sure its not too difficult, though i am just not able to get it right.

what i have a is a blast happening (emitter in a popnet) with a trail sop and the particles should gradually start falling down(affected by gravity)

attaching the file with it…help appreciated


blast.JPG (33.0 KB)
fall.hipnc (42.4 KB)

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not sure if its a difficult question or may be i have not made my self very clear with my question :idea: ?
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Add Drag to your particles. (Drag Pop), adjust to taste.
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There is a “Gravity” button on the Shelf, under “Drive Particles” tab.

Or, if you want to do it by hand, append a Force POP to your Location POP and put in a negative value for the Y-axis force.

The default gravity of -9.8 is a bit much for your scene.

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All particles require gravity (force POP with -1 or higher in the Y parameter) and a drag POP (so that the particles reach a terminal velocity and don't accelerate infinitely).

Have a look at the many particle tutorials available and study the POP networks as well as the SOP networks wrapped around the POP Network SOP.

There are some excellent links and tutorials available in the main web site's Learning Tab.
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ohh man it sure was a simple sim, wanted to get the palm tree kind of effect … what was i thinking !!! …jus one of those dumb moments (day's in fact!!) … just had add a force pop + drag pop and then top it up with a trail sop

BUT instead …. i put a group pop on the emitter …gave an expression $AGE>2 … and once the particles were out, influence them with force and drag pop …. which obviously didn't get me the desired result

thanks all you guys for actually spoon feeding :wink:
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