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So I've been surfing these forums for two days running every scenario that I can find of other people with licensing issues. My case is I've installed the program with no errors and it -acts- like it installs the licenses fine. I've also tried manually installing etc. Server is running, everything seems to be in place, but everytime I try to run the program I get stuck in a loop of asking for/installing the license again when they are clearly in place. Hopefully I'm just being an idiot but any help would be appreciated.

Diagnostic Output:
If you are having licensing problems, please save this information and email it

License Administrator output:
Generated on: Sat Feb 25 14:04:35 2006
Local host name: JB
Local server code: 2d2bf537
Local ip address:
Number of servers: 1
License server name: JB (JB)
License server server code: 2d2bf537
Server ip address:
License server is running: Yes
May read licenses from server: Yes
Has SERVER license: Yes
License server version: 8.0.474
May modify server from this machine: Yes
Redundant server keys: 1
Name Code Redundant Connected Transmission OK
—- —- ——— ——— —————
jb 2d2bf537 no - -
License Administrator version: 8.0.474
Http proxy host: (none)
Using standalone mode: Yes
Can retrieve [] Yes

Installed licenses:
LicID Platform Product Ver Avail Expiry
—– ——– ——- — —– ——
c9d517d4 Generic Houdini-Master-NonCommercial 8.0 1/1 28-mar-2006
+.+.+.+ jb (license known to: JB)
dc00d7c4 Generic Render-NonCommercial 8.0 1/1 28-mar-2006
+.+.+.+ jb (license known to: JB)

sesictrl -i output:
—– SERVER JB ——–
Lic c9d517d4: 1 “Houdini-Master-NonCommercial 8.0” Generic 28-mar-2006 +.+.+.+ jb
1 licenses free

Lic dc00d7c4: 1 “Render-NonCommercial 8.0” Generic 28-mar-2006 +.+.+.+ jb
1 licenses free

Serv jb 2d2bf537
redundant: no
connected: no
transmission successful: no

Diagnostic Output:
If you are having licensing problems, please save this information and email it

License Administrator output:
Generated on: Sat Feb 25 14:04:35 2006
Local host name: JB
Local server code: 2d2bf537
Local ip address:
Number of servers: 1
License server name: JB (JB)
License server server code: 2d2bf537
Server ip address:
License server is running: Yes
May read licenses from server: Yes
Has SERVER license: Yes
License server version: 8.0.474
May modify server from this machine: Yes
Redundant server keys: 1
Name Code Redundant Connected Transmission OK
—- —- ——— ——— —————
jb 2d2bf537 no - -
License Administrator version: 8.0.474
Http proxy host: (none)
Using standalone mode: Yes
Can retrieve [] Yes

Installed licenses:
LicID Platform Product Ver Avail Expiry
—– ——– ——- — —– ——
c9d517d4 Generic Houdini-Master-NonCommercial 8.0 1/1 28-mar-2006
+.+.+.+ jb (license known to: JB)
dc00d7c4 Generic Render-NonCommercial 8.0 1/1 28-mar-2006
+.+.+.+ jb (license known to: JB)

sesictrl -i output:
—– SERVER JB ——–
Lic c9d517d4: 1 “Houdini-Master-NonCommercial 8.0” Generic 28-mar-2006 +.+.+.+ jb
1 licenses free

Lic dc00d7c4: 1 “Render-NonCommercial 8.0” Generic 28-mar-2006 +.+.+.+ jb
1 licenses free

Serv jb 2d2bf537
redundant: no
connected: no
transmission successful: no
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7863 posts
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In your Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services, make sure that both Houdini License Client and Houdini License Server services are running. If they're both started already and you're still getting the problem, it's possible that you blocked hserver.exe (Houdini License Client) on your firewall. Try disabling your firewall to see if it fixes the problem. If yes, then you can figure a way to let your firewall let hserver.exe through.
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Thanks for the reply. I disabled my firewall, double-checked the services again and still the same problem… all installs successful, then it just loops asking me for a license. Any more ideas? I'm afraid I've exhausted everything I can think of.
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So you have both hserver.exe and sesinetd.exe running in your Task Manager's Process List? If you start up a DOS prompt and run “ipconfig /all”, what does it say?
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Out of curiosity, did you have an older version of Houdini Apprentice installed and what OS are you running?

This sounds exactly like the same problem I reported earlier. See: []

Now, in my case, I solved it by manually editing the Cwindows/keys/license file. This file pre-existed & had a server key (which is found just after the header info). And like rediculs1, I just kept getting into loops about licenses.

It wasn't until I went to get the licenses manually that I discovered that the server key in the file differed from the one on the SESI website. Once I cut & pasted the new server key into the file, all was fine.

Hope this info helps but SESI should really look into this.

Digital Supervisor | Stargate Studios Toronto
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I'm running XP Pro SP2… No, this is the first time I've installed houdini apprentice as I'm currently taking a class on it and wanted to be able to do do some stuff from home. Yes, all services are running. Firewall is down. What specifically did you want to know? I'm running Comcast high-speed on a router so my ip is… dhcp enabled. My ip is always that one so I didn't think that to be an issue. I'm simply lost, I've tried everything I can find. And yes, I've manually done my licence yada yada… bleh =P
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If you go from the Start Menu, choose All Programs > Side Effects Software > Houdini 8.0.XXX > Command Line Tools. At the prompt, type: “hserver -l”. What does that say? In your license diagnostic info, this output is missing.

Another shot in the dark, start up the License Administrator. Choose File > Change License Server. Turn off Use Standalone Mode. Hit Ok. Do you see any installed licenses in the license list?
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The standalone bit didn't work… here's the output from the hserver -l…

Hostname: jb
Uptime: 0:00:46
License Server: JB
Server Version: sesinetd8.0.474
Version: Houdini8.0.474
ReadAccess: +.+.+.*
WriteAccess: +.+.+.*

450 of 766 Mb available
CPU Usage: 4% load
0 active tasks <1 slots>
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With standalone mode off, is the diagnostic info any different?
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/***This is with standalone on***/

Diagnostic Output:
If you are having licensing problems, please save this information and email it

License Administrator output:
Generated on: Tue Feb 28 13:22:03 2006
Local host name: JB
Local server code: 2d2bf537
Local ip address:
Number of servers: 1
License server name: JB (JB)
License server server code: 2d2bf537
Server ip address:
License server is running: Yes
May read licenses from server: Yes
Has SERVER license: Yes
License server version: 8.0.474
May modify server from this machine: Yes
Redundant server keys: 1
Name Code Redundant Connected Transmission OK
—- —- ——— ——— —————
jb 2d2bf537 no - -
License Administrator version: 8.0.474
Http proxy host: (none)
Using standalone mode: Yes
Can retrieve [] Yes

Installed licenses:
LicID Platform Product Ver Avail Expiry
—– ——– ——- — —– ——
c9d517d4 Generic Houdini-Master-NonCommercial 8.0 1/1 28-mar-2006
+.+.+.+ jb (license known to: JB)
dc00d7c4 Generic Render-NonCommercial 8.0 1/1 28-mar-2006
+.+.+.+ jb (license known to: JB)

sesictrl -i output:
—– SERVER JB ——–
Lic c9d517d4: 1 “Houdini-Master-NonCommercial 8.0” Generic 28-mar-2006 +.+.+.+ jb
1 licenses free

Lic dc00d7c4: 1 “Render-NonCommercial 8.0” Generic 28-mar-2006 +.+.+.+ jb
1 licenses free

Serv jb 2d2bf537
redundant: no
connected: no
transmission successful: no

hserver -l output:
Hostname: JB
Uptime: 0:00:39
License Server: JB
Server Version: sesinetd8.0.474
Version: Houdini8.0.474
ReadAccess: +.+.+.*
WriteAccess: +.+.+.*

382 of 766 Mb available
CPU Usage: 17% load
0 active tasks (1 slots)

licenses file:
## Side Effects Software License File
# For license information, please contact:
# Side Effects Software Inc.
# 123 Front St. West, Suite 1401
# Toronto, Ontario, Canada
# M2J 2M2
# []
# NOTE: This file may be modified by the licensee

/***This is standalone off***/

Diagnostic Output:
If you are having licensing problems, please save this information and email it

License Administrator output:
Generated on: Tue Feb 28 13:23:55 2006
Local host name: JB
Local server code: 2d2bf537
Local ip address:
Number of servers: 1
License server name: JB (JB)
License server server code: 2d2bf537
Server ip address:
License server is running: Yes
May read licenses from server: Yes
Has SERVER license: Yes
License server version: 8.0.474
May modify server from this machine: Yes
Redundant server keys: 1
Name Code Redundant Connected Transmission OK
—- —- ——— ——— —————
jb 2d2bf537 no - -
License Administrator version: 8.0.474
Http proxy host: (none)
Using standalone mode: No
Can retrieve [] Yes

Installed licenses:
LicID Platform Product Ver Avail Expiry
—– ——– ——- — —– ——
c9d517d4 Generic Houdini-Master-NonCommercial 8.0 1/1 28-mar-2006
+.+.+.+ jb (license known to: JB)
dc00d7c4 Generic Render-NonCommercial 8.0 1/1 28-mar-2006
+.+.+.+ jb (license known to: JB)

sesictrl -i output:
—– SERVER JB ——–
Lic c9d517d4: 1 “Houdini-Master-NonCommercial 8.0” Generic 28-mar-2006 +.+.+.+ jb
1 licenses free

Lic dc00d7c4: 1 “Render-NonCommercial 8.0” Generic 28-mar-2006 +.+.+.+ jb
1 licenses free

Serv jb 2d2bf537
redundant: no
connected: no
transmission successful: no

hserver -l output:
Hostname: jb
Uptime: 0:00:01
License Server: JB
Server Version: <unknown>
Version: Houdini8.0.474
ReadAccess: +.+.+.*
WriteAccess: +.+.+.*

381 of 766 Mb available
CPU Usage: 6% load
0 active tasks (1 slots)

licenses file:
## Side Effects Software License File
# For license information, please contact:
# Side Effects Software Inc.
# 123 Front St. West, Suite 1401
# Toronto, Ontario, Canada
# M2J 2M2
# []
# NOTE: This file may be modified by the licensee

# Key installed 23:14:21 02/27/06
SERVER jb 2d2bf537 4887cb1aef5bd41e65fcfedfec478ae00e50a10e768f41

# Key installed 23:14:23 02/27/06
LICENSE Generic Houdini-Master-NonCommercial 8.0 1 28-mar-2006 +.+.+.+ jb \
c9d517d4 yxLxcZiSr4cFvWwjKIJd1TyzkzfOBppn7tTeJauQKNZ+zzc@8xZDjW1

# Key installed 23:14:25 02/27/06
LICENSE Generic Render-NonCommercial 8.0 1 28-mar-2006 +.+.+.+ jb dc00d7c4 \
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What happened to the licenses file contents when you had standalone mode enabled? I don't see it your post. I'm assuming that it's there and just didn't get copy/pasted.

Everything seems to be order with both standalone mode on or off.

Try this:
- Uninstall Houdini
- Remove the directory completely from where it installed
- Rename the directory C:\Windows\keys to C:\Windows\old_keys
- Install Houdini again but change your installation directory from C:\Program Files to C:\Houdini instead.
- Make sure you're connected to the internet.
- Start Houdini Master. Click on the link to install non-commercial keys. When it's done, click on the button to start Houdini Master.
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I did everything you said. Still same old story- license loop.
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Anything special about your setup? If you're running WinXP SP2, did you ever get these popups asking whether you want to block an application?
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Nah there's nothing special about my setup at all. And yes, I know what you're talking about but no, I've never blocked anything houdini-related and my firewall is disabled to try and get this thing up anyway. Dunno dunno =P
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A couple of ideas:

1. SESI: When generating the server code based on the hostname does upper/lower case matter for the hostname? Is it “jb” or “JB”? Perhaps the server code was generated off the wrong case. (?) crazy idea..

2. When I run (linux) “sesictrl -f” I see my license server name like this:

License server name: fred (localhost)

whereas I notice rediculs1 has the line:

License server name: JB (JB)

my (houdini apprentice) server ip address is (which is localhost). I wonder what the name JB resolves to?

Rediculs = in a dos window, try:

> ping jb

Does jb resolve to ?

''You're always doing this: reducing it to science. Why can't it be real?'' – Jackie Tyler
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It resolves to my IP address assigned by my router…
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4 posts
I'm experiancing a similar problem. I've had the latest build of Houdini Apprentice installed for a while now, and when I go to use it today it cant get a license. I too am behind a router. I really want houdini working because I shall be ordering the Magic of Houdini book as soon as this is sorted. The houdini license server service is running fine when I check it. Any ideas what could be wrong? Thanks in advance.
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I just went through the install-license “dance” on Win XP.

- Installed 8.0.474

- Manually entered the License Keys / keys accepted ….. BUT License Admin says “Invalid Server Key” / ‘Cannot Serve Licenses“.

(How can the license key be accepted, but then be ”invalid" ?))

Followed the ’clean up' instructions as per : []

Re-booted, reinstalled, SAME PROBLEM ! Argh.

Just before I un-installed everything to try again, I ran Master and let it ‘automatically’ install a license.

Hallejullulah !! It's working !

I didn't use the ‘auto license/internet’ the first time I installed it, because the first thing that was displayed was the license administrator, and when I tried the ‘Install Licenses’ option, it was asking for my email address and password. I tried to use the same password that I'd used when downloading the program, but it didn't accept it.

It's great to have the free apprentice version but the install/licensing process could be greatly improved … to put it mildly

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