whitewater tool doesn't accept selection

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This may be a dumb question, but here goes. I'm trying to create whitewater using the shelf tool. But the tool doesn't generate anything. I have a FLIP simulation, (created by using the shelf tool). The shelf tool directs me to select the FLIP object. I select the FLIP object in DOPs and press “enter” on my keyboard as directed. I get a popup saying “No fluid object selected for whitewater.” I'm positive I'm selecting the correct node. I've tried selecting the FLIP object, the FLIP solver, the DOP network, SOP nodes that import the DOP network. I have a screen shot showing the FLIP object node selected and the popup. The documentation doesn't show how to setup a whitewater simulation. It just directs the user to use the tool which doesn't seem to work. I'm not sure what else to do.

whitewater_tool.jpg (35.5 KB)

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This may be a dumb question, but here goes. I'm trying to create whitewater using the shelf tool. But the tool doesn't generate anything. I have a FLIP simulation, (created by using the shelf tool). The shelf tool directs me to select the FLIP object. I select the FLIP object in DOPs and press “enter” on my keyboard as directed. I get a popup saying “No fluid object selected for whitewater.” I'm positive I'm selecting the correct node. I've tried selecting the FLIP object, the FLIP solver, the DOP network, SOP nodes that import the DOP network. I have a screen shot showing the FLIP object node selected and the popup. The documentation doesn't show how to setup a whitewater simulation. It just directs the user to use the tool which doesn't seem to work. I'm not sure what else to do.
click the pin .(tat it get link to view port selection.) n try the same

pin.PNG (98.6 KB)

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yeah same. from wave tank shelf tool tried pinning inside the dop network , the wave tank initial, fluid and extended NONE of the fluid objects or particle fluid surfaces accept a whitewater selection…? what is missing?

hmm so, in a new scene I make flat tank,and white water works straight away from the flattank_fluid selection . what is the difference..?

the scene I was working on was setup EXACTLY the same. upon closer examination it appears that I had turned particles OFF in the guides visualisation of the flat tank FLIP object. turning the particle guide back on completed the whitewater opertion suc cesfully.

WHY do particle guides need to be switched on in in the Flip Object in order for whitewater to work? does not make ANY sense! but a gotcha for anyone else
Edited by Rob Chapman - Oct. 13, 2019 01:36:29
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