New viewport camera issues

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As always when I am forced to work with Houdini I soon stumble over new issues, usually to do with interaction and viewport cameras. This one is no different.
When I interactively select objects in the a pan of the quad view viewport, one or two of the ortho cameras flip.
I have to manually reset the view until I select something different which flips the cameras again.
I really try to like Houdini, I really do. But this never ending viewport issues and a wealth of other limitations makes it really, really hard.
Version is H 17.5.425 (Indie)on Windows 10 Pro. Tested on two different machines. []
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LOL, I've never seen that before. I've never used a split view either though, so maybe that's why. If you think you found a bug, submit your file to the devs. They're pretty good about fixing really broken stuff.
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Joined: June 2012
Can you share your file? That looks very much like a Redshift camera bug.
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