Reg Auto Rig

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Joined: Sept. 2017
Hi to all,

Regarding auto rig, for the stretchy rig, I would like to discuss the main three problems which I'm facing.

Once I do uniform scale, the length of the arm clavicle and hips doesn't sits into the hierarchy

Since I am new to Houdini & would like to know the pipeline of Houdini, to re use the assets through HDA, if I try to open the digital asset of my auto rig its getting collapsed.
So I've used the asset through hip files. Please the check the attached HDA of my auto rig

After the rig creation, once I switch the blend of FK/Ik, then the position of Foot & Toe is wrongly getting positioned. I think it might of occurred wrongly drawn joints but want to make it sure.

Regarding exporting the animation keys, since I couldn't use the HDA, through hip to hip files I've jus copied & pasted the keys. Could I please know what is the exact pipeline of exporting & importing of animation keys. In maya, use to select the master controller, export all the key datas under its hierarchy. Is there any simple way here in houdini?

Please check the attached HDA, preset of Rig & geo files along with this post and some one help me to know & solve these issues.

Thanks in advance.

Dummy_Geo.bgeo (78.7 KB)
Dummy_ImportPreset.hda (61.7 KB)
DummyHDA.hda (829.3 KB)
Snap01.jpg (321.8 KB)

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Joined: July 2005
Once I do uniform scale, the length of the arm clavicle and hips doesn't sits into the hierarchy

this was a bug, using the latest production build of Houdini should fix it

as for exporting the animation, this wasn't a part of the initial design for the Autorigs, but will be in a future update.
Michael Goldfarb |
Training Lead
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