Retexturing imported Object

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I have a model with several shaders I am having to rebuild for my render engine, which does not use Principled Shaders.

The model imports with several Principled shaders. These shaders import with the correct texture file. I need to rebuild shaders to match these Principled shaders.

The work is easy enough, but I cannot find a way to determine which specific Principled Shaders are assigned to my individual geos. The file is a GLTF, and I have a comprehensive node tree with all geos, but the Material tab on each geo is empty.

Is there a list or breakdown I can create to see what Principled Shader is supposed to be applied to each individual geo?
Brad Schreiber
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Joined: Oct. 2016
Hi, Brad,

you can either “force” a material assignment (“shop_materialpath”) to a geo through the “global” material tag - or you can assign shop_materialpath to individual groups (points or primitives/vertices) using a material node (or attribute wrangle).
Have you had a look into your node tree whether there's a wrangle (or material node) that does the assignment? Have you had a look in your geo spreadsheet to check if the shop_materialpath has been assigned in the first place?
You might also have a shader that does “manual” material assignment upon render time …

Out of here. Being called a dick after having supported Houdini users for years is over my paygrade.
I will work for money, but NOT for "you have to provide people with free products" Indie-artists.
Good bye. []
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