UV projection tool

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Hi there,

I'm relatively new to Houdini, loving it by the way and can't wait to learn learn and learn some more. But I was wondering for you seasoned Houdini peeps, is there any way you can model a 3D structure by using a 2D shape / UV guide?

Please see a very old video I did, a conceptual one for modeling via a UV map.

I came across a node - UV visualise where the UV map collapses to a 2D display, but my knowledge is a little limiting at the moment, but is this feasible to do in Houdini with the tools we have to hand?


Edited by Pixelised - Nov. 24, 2020 16:35:12
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You could build a rig that worked like that, using the uvsample/uvdist vex functions to sample from a template mesh in uv space.
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is this feasible to do in Houdini with the tools we have to hand?

Hey, check out this tutorial [vimeo.com] one of the steps is what you are looking for i think.
Edited by mikhail s - Nov. 24, 2020 19:52:09
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Thanks both,

Something to explore for sure, I want Houdini to be my go to for any modeling these days, that way I can stay within one app, or at least push certain results over to C4D for final works.

Thanks both

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if interested, here is an (experimental) approach using the uv-value to creep the geometry along a polygon surface. Your inputs are a geometry, which is in the uv-space to be projected onto another geometry, which has (unique) uv coordinates. In VEX you can use xyzdist() for example, to capture the source geometry in the uv-space of the target object. Once you you have this, you can use this to project your geometry onto the target.
Edited by Aizatulin - Nov. 25, 2020 03:56:58

uv_polygon_creepB.hipnc (420.7 KB)

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Looking forward to trying this out, thanks for the file, I just wish I could get into my Houdini Indie! License issues yet again, nearly daily problems
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