Cam Info Overlay

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Hi all, I'm happy to introduce my latest HDA: Camera Info Overlay Tool, designed to provide shot information directly on your camera view.

Key Features
•Data: Put the basic information about your project, like the name, the work item, and its version.
•Layout: Choose what data to show and customize where to put them.
•Notes: Type additional comments and todos about the sequence.
•References: Put up to two thumbnails of your references in the corner.
•Font & Colors: Choose your favorite font and change the color of the text, notes, bars, and composition frames to personalize your overlay.

Feel free to give feedback to enhance the tool!
Edited by JohnFanny - May 28, 2023 18:29:23
John Fanny | Fx Apprentice
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Joined: July 2017
Camera Info Overlay is now available in Orbolt Asset Store!
Edited by JohnFanny - June 3, 2023 17:18:09
John Fanny | Fx Apprentice
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Joined: May 2014
Hello John! I tested your tool. Very nice handy tool!!!
First thing I like is the video. I really love your voice in the video it's like a hollywood movie!! Are you a pro actor?
Some comments about the tool:
- I think you should add an "author" and a "client" field that could be displayed as a choice in the top or bottom horizontal stripes.
- I don't have any light in the /obj context. With Mantra rendering, without adding a light in the scene, Houdini will create a headlight for rendering. And then I can see the lighting on the 2 stripes is uneven.
- I tried adding a skylight in the /obj context and then I can see the lighting on the 2 stripes is STILL uneven.
- Stage context: when I try to connect a SOP Import node into the network, I get this error message :
Invalid SOP path: /obj/Cam_Info_Overlay1
So that's it for now. Keep up the good work!
Houdini gamboler
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