If old functionality is bad, then it should be removed not expand on it. Using two keys on the other side of the keyboard just for loop/ring selection was hardly a modeler's wet dream.
I don't know what options have been removed, so please explain. I know there was one “walking” IIRC or something like that and I must admit that I'm ignorant about it - never used a similar one in Softimage therefore I might not know what I'm missing.
Well, we had one key to select boundary of hole in geometry, right now we have to SHIFT + A + LMB as many times as we need to cover whole hole.
Are we talking about loop/ring selection? ‘Cause they don’t…
Nope, simple SHIFT + LMB or SHIFT + MMB.
To remove from selection you press Ctrl, like you do in many OS's and 3d apps. Not that this should matter but it is convenient nonetheless.
Shift+RMB does nothing indeed and with this occasion I propose that we use this for a different menu to the simple RMB one. We'll think about something, I'm sure we'll run out of menus before of tools to put in them.
It was just a proposition.
SHIFT + RMB is used as repeat last action when you havse selected something and you made some operation before (for example delete or group). Why? o_O
Simple yes, fast no.
When Adsk took over Softimage they implemented exactly this (to make Maya users feel more at home I presume) and I've had plenty of time to use it. To this day I still use the Softimage model (which is very similar to H14) because it's a lot faster.
Just think about it, what's faster:
1. Shift + double LMB to add to selection for each loop
2. hold Shift + MMB on each loop?
Double LMB WITHOUT pressed any key should create loop. SHIFT + Double LMB to add to selection.
Right now you have to have pressed A + MMB or SHIFT + A + MMB to add to selection.
This is not the first time I ask this question and I still don't understand how someone can choose 1 over 2. It's basically one (1) click vs two (2) clicks, ergo double the work.
That's why I don't understand why you want to replace 1 or 2 keys (my version) with 2 or 3 keys () your version)
EDIT: Oh, and Double clicking on Geometry without selected anything should select all elements of the type we are in currently. If polygon selection than select all polygons. If point selection then select all points. if edge… you know the story.