Match photo

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Joined: 12月 2006
I want to match Houdini camera to photo I have. I have only this info about photo [] []

Of course I do not need perfect match, but something I can work with.

I read this several times but honestly I am still not sure what to do []

Can anyone help, links, tips, anything …?
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Joined: 7月 2005
In the scene view, press ‘d’ to open display options -> background -> set an image and check ‘show background’. This shows the image in the viewport, from where you can use the camera controls to frame your shot. Once rendered, composite the output onto the background plate in COPS.
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379 posts
Joined: 12月 2006
Thanks .

I am aware of that, mostly what I need is how to transform camera data, focal length to Houdini one. So I can match perspective closer.
I manage to figure it out, crop factor of this camera was what confused me. Now I have something so I can work with.
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13 posts
Joined: 10月 2014
I too, I need photo match in Houdini for create models from photo, I transfer my workflow from Modo to Houdini, but Camera match mistake in Houdini , please create to Houdini. thanks
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Joined: 9月 2018
Thanks .

I am aware of that, mostly what I need is how to transform camera data, focal length to Houdini one. So I can match perspective closer.
I manage to figure it out, crop factor of this camera was what confused me. Now I have something so I can work with.

What is the way?
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